


Issue No1. October, 2018


Welcome & Congratulations!


You are the lucky recipients of the very first edition of the TES Parent Council Newsletter.

With this, our aim is to regularly give you practical and useful information about past, current and future events taking place at TES. We want to draw the whole school community together, while making everyone – parents, carers, students, teachers and staff – feel welcome and part of the TES family.
In this inaugural edition, you will find:

Upcoming Events – written in both English and French languages - information about upcoming events organized by the Parent Council
Did You Know That? -  a bit about what has been going on at our school beyond the ‘norm’ – school trips, events, interesting occasions - anything and everything that makes the students’ school lives more engaging and fires up their imagination and passion
Good To Know - tips/links/recommendations sent to us by parents meant to enrich lives in Estonia while having fun
Fun Facts! – school related trivia intended to put a smile on your face

What’s New in the Parent Council? – Parent Council updates, external events, important notices
Lastly, we would love to hear your comments, thoughts or contributions for our next Newsletter at (please be nice!)
We hope you will find this a useful and an interesting read, so don’t be shy, sign up for the TES Parent Council Newsletter here and get involved. 
Parent Council Newsletter Team:

Amandine Bernhard
Aiste Parmasto
Nate Turner
Ester Vandersmissen
Marcella Verwiel


Teachers’ Day - This Friday, October 5th

Teachers’ Day is an old tradition that is celebrated in many countries world wide. In Estonia it is always celebrated on October 5th. On this day, children bring flowers or pastries to school to thank their teachers.

This year, TES Parent Council is organizing its Annual Flower and Pastry Sale starting at 7.45 – ‘till the end of the day. Students and parents can come to the stand and buy flowers and pastries to give to their teachers. Prices will range from 1 - 5 euros.

All profits made during the Annual Flower and Pastry Sale will be donated to the local charity Igale Lapsele Pere (A Family for Every Child). This charity provides new homes for children who have lost the support of their birth families. Their goal is to find for these children what they need most - a sense of security in a foster family - and to give them the support they need to blend into their new environment.

For more info about the organization, click here:

TES Parent Council invites everyone to the Annual Flower and Pastry Sale and looks forward to your support that will put a smile on every teacher’s face, as well as help Igale Lapsele Pere sustain their marvelous work.

In addition, TES is organizing several Teachers’ Day school activities:

-           Teachers will perform a show for higher primary and secondary students
-           Upper secondary pupils will give lessons to primary kids, as well as assist the nursery teachers

How You Can Help:

The school community would be very happy if parents could take teachers’ roles starting at 13:30, so that the rest of the pupils and teachers could enjoy the Teachers’ Day show activities.

If you're interested in helping out, please get in touch with Activities Manager, Kaidi Tärk

More details regarding lessons and duties will be sent separately to those who sign up.

Journée Internationale des Enseignants

5 Octobre


Journée mondiale des enseignants - 5 octobre. La Journée des enseignants est une vieille tradition célébrée dans de nombreux pays. En Estonie, elle est toujours célébrée le 5 octobre. La tradition veut que ce jour là, les enfants apportent des fleurs ou des pâtisseries à l'école pour remercier leurs enseignants.

Le conseil des parents d’élèves de TES organise une vente de fleurs et de pâtisseries tout au long de cette journée, et ce dès 7h45. Élèves et parents peuvent venir au stand et acheter les fleurs et les pâtisseries à offrir à leurs professeurs. Les prix vont de 1 à 3 euros. Les bénéfices réalisés lors de la vente de fleurs et de pâtisseries seront reversés à l'association caritative "Igale lapsele pere" (une famille pour chaque enfant). Cet organisme de bienfaisance offre de nouveaux foyers aux enfants qui ont perdu le soutien de leur famille d'origine. Son objectif est d'essayer de leur trouver ce dont ils ont le plus besoin - un sentiment de sécurité - dans une famille d'accueil et de les aider à s’intégrer au mieux dans ce nouvel environnement familial.

Notre conseil des parents d’élèves de TES espère vous voir nombreux lors notre vente de fleurs et de pâtisseries et nous espérons que la vente sera une réussite, pour donner le sourire à tous les enseignants et faire un don généreux à “Igale Lapsele Pere” et ainsi soutenir leur merveilleux travail.

Mais ce n’est pas tout! L’école organise plusieurs activités tout au long de la journée:

-          les enseignants feront un spectacle pour les élèves du primaire et du secondaire,

-          les élèves du lycée donneront des cours aux classes de primaire et assisteront les enseignants de maternelle.

Comment porter main forte:

La communauté scolaire serait très heureuse si les parents pouvaient également assumer les rôles des enseignants pendant cette journée particulière. Cela leur permettrait, dès 13h30, de rejoindre le reste de l'école qui sera au spectacle. Certaines tâches sont à laisser préférablement aux parents, plutôt qu’aux élèves.

Si vous êtes volontaires pour apporter votre aide, veuillez vous inscrire auprès de l’administration en écrivant à Kaidi Tärk:

Plus de détails concernant les leçons et les devoirs seront envoyés séparément à ceux qui se seront inscrit.

TES Community Clothes Swap - October 18th
Find a new home for your old pants

Echange de vêtements de la communauté de TES -

18 octobre

Une nouvelle maison pour vos vieux pantalons

L'échange de vêtements de la communauté de TES est un projet mené par les enseignants et les élèves. Ce projet s'inscrit dans le programme d'enseignement du développement durable: ne jetez pas vos vêtements ou vos objets usagés mais essayez plutôt de les recycler.
Mais ils ont besoin de notre aide pour rassembler de merveilleux articles à échanger !!!


L’échange de vêtements, comment ça marche?

    • Nettoyez vos placard et trouvez des articles à échanger.
    • Articles recherchés: vêtements, chaussures, livres & jouets. Il est préférable de les trier par genre (garçon, fille, homme, femme), et par taille.
    • Plus d’informations suivront sur l’organisation de la collecte des articles.
    • Rendez vous à l’évènement le 18 octobre de 16.00 à 18.00
    • Prix de l’entrée: 2 euros/personne ou 5 euros/famille
    • Ramenez vos coups de coeur à la maison
    • Profitez de vos nouveaux articles
    • Soyez heureux d’avoir aidé l’école, les profits réalisés serviront à organiser des sorties scolaires, acheter des fournitures, etc....
    • Les articles qui n’auront pas trouvé un nouveau foyer seront donnés à l’école ou à une association caritative.

TES Community Potluck Dinner

26th of October, 19.00 - 22.00  - French Institute of Estonia

The Parent Council would like to invite all the TES community members (parents, teachers and administrators) to our annual Potluck Dinner.

Entrance is free of charge, but please bring your favorite dish or drinks to share.

Enjoy good company and get to know the people of TES, an ideal event for newcomers to mingle with each other and the TES community.


Traditionally a raffle will be held & we are still looking for some amazing raffle prizes. So please do not hesitate to donate, we welcome all gifts!


The profit of this event (sales of raffle tickets) is is used to enable the two members of the Parent Council which are elected to take part of the school board, to join in the annual conference organised by the Associated European Schools Network. At this conference they can follow several workshops and exchange experiences with Parent Associations of other Accredited European schools, as well as cooperate with other European schools (exchange programs, sport competitions,...).


So call your babysitter & join us at the TES Community Potluck Dinner!

French institute of Estonia, Kuninga street 4


Save the Date:
TES Carnival - November 16

TES CARNIVAL is one of the biggest events at TES, as it coincides with Halloween and other Fall carnivals. The entire TES community of students, teachers, administration and parents dress up in colorful costumes and enjoy different food and drink stands, set up by each of the secondary classes to raise money for class events and trips.
This year games will be organised by P4. Fun activities will be organised and prizes will be handed out for cutest costume, best dressed up family, etc. Pumpkin carving workshop will take place a day before the event.
Entry ticket proceeds go to Parent Council and will be used for attending conferences and supporting future school projects.


Le Dîner “Potluck” de la communauté de TES

26 octobre, 19.00 - 22.00 - Institut Français d'Estonie

Le conseil des parents d’élèves souhaite inviter tous les membres de la communauté de TES  (parents, enseignants, et administration) à partager son dîner annuel “Potluck”.

L'entrée est gratuite, mais veuillez apporter votre plat ou vos boissons préférés à partager.
Venez profiter de la soirée en bonne compagnie et faire connaissance!!!

Un événement idéal pour les nouveaux arrivants et les membres de la communauté.
Comme chaque année, un tirage au sort sera effectué et nous recherchons toujours des prix de tombola incroyables!
Alors n'hésitez pas à faire un don, tous les prix sont bienvenus!
Les bénéfices de cet événement (vente de billets de loterie) seront utilisés par le conseil des parents d’élèves, afin de financer la participation, des deux membres élus au comité de gestion, à la conférence annuelle organisée par les écoles Européennes. Lors de cette conférence, elles peuvent suivre plusieurs ateliers, échanger et discuter de leurs expériences avec les associations de parents d’élèves d'autres écoles européennes accréditées et travailler sur des projets de coopérations avec ces dernières (programmes d'échange, compétitions sportives, etc.).
Alors, appelez votre baby-sitter et rejoignez-nous à ce dîner Potluck!
Adresse: Institut français d'Estonie, rue Kuninga 4

Réservez votre soirée:

16 novembre - Carnaval de TES

Le Carnaval de TES est l'un des plus grands événements de l’école qui regroupe à la fois les fêtes déguisées traditionnelles locales, Halloween, et les autres Carnavals à travers le monde. Toute la communauté de TES (élèves, enseignants et équipe administrative) y participe.

Les classes du secondaire préparent des stands de nourriture et de boissons, afin de récolter des fonds pour financer leurs sorties scolaires et autres évènements.

Cette année, les P4 s’occupent de l’organisation. Des activités et des jeux seront mis en place et des prix seront desservis pour récompenser le plus joli costume, la famille la mieux déguisée, etc. Un atelier de citrouilles sculptées aura lieu la veille du Carnaval.

Les fonds récoltés par la vente des tickets seront reversées au conseil des parents d’élèves et serviront à financer la participation à des conférences et les futurs projets de l’école.


  • On the 13th of September, the 13th Annual Firefighter Games took place in Estonia. Over 600 students took part, including some who came from our own P5, S4 and S6 classes. They were expertly coached and chee on by Hilppa Elmgren (P5ENA Class, Maths & Sciences Teacher) and Tuula Friman (S6 Class & Finnish Language Teacher).
  • During the first weekend of the school year, S2 class teacher Triinu Tõrv organized a 2-night camping trip by a lake outside of Tallinn. The class had a great time pitching tents, cooking, hiking through the forest, bog swimming and learning outdoor skills from a survival guide. 
  • P1P2 French Section enjoyed a miniature singing exchange with P2 English section. First they performed beautifully a song in French and were treated to an English song in return.  It was a lovely way to mix the French and English sections together and to get everyone out of their classrooms.
  • As part of their PE curriculum, Upper Secondary students are organizing certain events and activities for the whole school throughout the school year. Last week saw the ‘Capture the Flag Championship’ – a firm favourite for everyone in the playground.
  • On Thursday, September 27th, P2A, P4A and P5 class students were lucky to be treated to their own piano concert assembly by Ellen Jansson, a friend of Miss Lydia’s, who is a professional pianist. They listened to a variety of music from France, Russia and Ireland and discussed it afterwards.  She made our school children feel very fortunate by taking her time to play for them just for the love of it, as the next evening, Miss Jansson performed in Alexela hall in Tallinn.
  • Last week saw the European Day of Languages. To celebrate, radio station Vikerraadio asked 13 TES pupils to sing ‘Brother John’ in 14 different official European Languages. The rendition was filmed and can be viewed on the official Facebook page of TES as well as the Parents of TES page. It was played on the radio station as part of a competition to see who could guess the 14 languages correctly, with the winner becoming the proud owner of a new tablet.

 Kids Club for inquiring minds: The Perfect Solution for your Childcare Dilemma!

for English speaking kids from age 5 to 8


·  Current number of students in Tallinn European School: 295

·  Current number of student nationalities: 36-40

·  Current number of teachers: approximately 66

·  Current number of teacher nationalities: approximately 35

·  TES is the largest international school in Estonia.

·  Growth of the school: Compared to last year, we grew by a net of 100 students, with a total of 120 new students.

·  No other international school in Estonia offers two linguistic sections--in our case, English and French. Currently lessons are taught in a total of 12 different European languages: English, French, German, Estonian, Italian, Spanish, Finnish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Greek.

·  For more fun facts, check out here.

The first Parent Council meeting was held on September 20th, following the election of class representatives and their deputies. During the meeting, we talked about:
The role of parents’ representatives

Communication within TES community
Working groups - everyone who wants to take part in one of the working groups, is more than welcome to do so (you do not need to be part of the Parent Council to help) - they include:

Upcoming event organization
Canteen Committee
Newsletter Team
Social Media Management Team
Traffic Safety Committee
Homework Club
New Family Welcome Pack
Please feel free to join if you want to help by e-mailing us at
Event planning
Election of the Parents’ Council Co-Chair. Anne Roberts has been re-elected unanimously for another 3 years. Megan Riley continues to serve as the Chair for another two years.

Thank you for all the hard work you ladies do!

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