Rod & Ellie's October Update
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Hello Friends,

Unknown groups have been attacking remote villages in Cabo Delgado province since October 2017. Trafficking networks of heroin, ivory, rubies and timber are linked to this violence together with Islamic radicalization. 

Youths calling themselves ‘Al Shabaab’ move through the villages armed with machetes beheading people, sometimes chopping bodies into pieces, burning houses. They are promised free education, money and a prosperous life, taken for training and radicalization, and sent back to their villages to kill and destroy. 

A man was beheaded outside of Macomia town on the evening of our second last night in Macomia. The following day there we demonstrations from the local population just metres from our tents. The mob wanted to kill the killer as they say the police do nothing. The army was called to disperse the people with gunshots. 

When on a mission, expect the unexpected!

We thank you, Father God, for the immense privilege of carrying light and hope and courage to these beautiful people of Cabo del Gado Province.

Terror in the North where people are being beheaded and their houses burned.

One hut at the end of the line remains... Pastor Armando chats with the survivors.

In the midst of fear and horror, we were received with much love and joy. Hearts were opened to us, we prayed and worshipped together and shared in Holy Communion.

While walking on the road, I was invited by four Muslim men to eat with them. In Muslim communities this is not normal. Nothing about this trip was normal. I accepted and they were pleased to have me try their very traditional dishes.

For the next three days we visited various villages where our graduates have planted churches. We were immensely touched by the hunger for the Word of God and by the love we received.

An incredible time with the Makonde women. Zoom in on their tribal tattoos. Done so if another tribe stole them as young girls they could be identified as Makonde girls. Mine are just wrinkles...

People with great need giving us their best. To refuse the gift would be to reject the giver, we accepted with tears and smiles. Sitting on a gift of 50 Kg bag of maize, wrapped in African fabric, also received handbags, shirts and shoes and two pigeons. Even had money pressed into our hands. Very humbling experience.

At Chai, with Pastors Armando, Jose, Sinezio and Celina. With the strength and passion of these AWYesu Leaders, our apostolic journey is counted as one of the most successful. In every church, we found graduates of our Bible Schools standing firm, encouraging the people.

Deep sadness on the faces of those who managed to flee the horror of beheadings as their homes were burned to the ground. We were able to help some of the families with basic everyday needs.

Pastor Sinezia’s wife Celina is a great friend and translator into Makonde as well as Mwani languages. She is a graduate of Inhaminga Bible School.

Thank you friends, for your prayers and support during this intense but wonderful journey in the most Northern Province of Mozambique.

Rod & Ellie and the AWYesu Family.




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