Radiant Health Newsletter by Tony Ruprecht
Radiant Health Newsletters  -   Issue 49
      You are Invited 

A special presentation by Dr. Ruprecht at
California State University, Fullerton 
Friday, October 26, 2018 at 2:00 PM

 Two New Approaches to Radiant Health:

 Epigenetics and Psycho-Cybernetics

This is one of the most significant presentations you will attend.
Dr. Ruprecht has a talent to explain the most recent
anti-aging discoveries in laymen's language. 

- Dr. John Hui  -  Clinic Director, Assessment Center

Please email us if you wish to attend. We will provide discounted air and hotel rates

Dr. Ruprecht is called to the stage in this photo. He will ask this surprised group of diplomats, politicians and government officials a number of unexpected but pertinent questions.

Did You Know
Today I have two questions for each one of you. Look into a mirror and answer them truthfully. Have your problems become your priorities? Are the obstacles in your life all you can see? Remember our mind is a magnet; it pushes us to gravitate toward what we think about most. If I continually think that nothing ever works for me, that there is never enough time, that nobody cares for me, that only bad things come my way, then I will attract more of the same. Because my eyes are only on my lack, I will overlook opportunity, refuse offers of help, and continue to propel myself into emotional and spiritual bankruptcy.
Do you live life with purpose – with a deep-seated personal mission? Nothing sustains us over the long haul like knowing why we are here, why we are upgrading our lifestyle, and what we are ultimately trying to accomplish. We need to ask ourselves, “What do I want? What are my dreams? Why am I here?” 
Being energized by our life’s purpose is one of the keys to staying motivated to take care of ourselves. Without vision, or understanding our destination, we have no way to focus on goals and directions. We are easily distracted – our energy is neutralized or vandalized – and we flounder through life. In contrast, having a vision – a clear sense of our purpose and dreams – benefit our health and our energy system delivers energy to our whole being.
How about you? Do you have a dream? Do you know what you are living life for? Without a personal vision, it will be difficult for you to treat yourself with respect and take care of your body, mind, and spirit. After all, the whole reason to eat well, exercise, reflect, and relate to others, is to produce the energy to live meaningfully and purposefully. Without vision, you may as well eat, drink, and be merry – for tomorrow you may die. If you don’t feel valuable or purposeful, taking care of yourself will seem unimportant. Clarifying your personal vision gives you something to live for, to look forward to. Your personal vision will empower you to transform your life and as a bonus give you an incredible energy boost.

For more information of how cells quickly produce energy in response to a vision - especially a vision that is emotionally charged - read Dr. Ruprecht’s book “Radiant Health.”


We have gathered enough scientific evidence to conclude that our health is determined by about 30% DNA and 70% by what we do with our bodies. Such as: the foods we eat, the exercise and sleep patterns we develop, and the kinds of emotional thinking we allow our brains to process.
We will present you with scientific evidence of the mind - body connection, which shows that every thought we have leaves a trace in your body. For example, a deeply embarrassing thought will leave a different trace than an erotic thought, but a trace nevertheless.
I know you will enjoy our presentation which focuses on the three (3) distinct approaches to vigorous health. 
                Book I. Radiant Health and Longevity 
                Book II. Anti-Aging Emotions   
                Book III. The Spiritual Foundation of Radiant Health

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