
Educational Videos on Eli Goldratt

Eli Goldratt was the leading thinker about business until his death in 2011. Learn about his groundbreaking Theory of Constraints in these 13 videos. I teach you about Goldratt's business ideas as I read and explain his writing. You'll also get my condensed, written explanations of Goldratt's most valuable ideas from his other books.

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Total video duration is 11.5 hours.

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Induction and Perception Discussion – we had some discussions in the Discord chatroom. (Join here.)

Rothbard vs. Induction – I found a nice passage where Rothbard makes Popperian points criticizing Francis Bacon and induction.

Ann Coulter wrote Fake News Autopsy. I like detailed analysis and this one is well done.

Fallible Ideas Emails

  • Return of Kings blog shuts down. After 6 years and over 5800 articles, they were shut down by being banned from PayPal, various ad partners, Disqus and Amazon. Why? Because of what they said. They have anti-immigration ideas, men’s rights advocacy, anti-feminist ideas, and a red pill take on social dynamics. What happens to free speech when internet infrastructure is not available to people with certain ideas? (Note: those are largely ideas that I have. I might be prevented from having an email newsletter if I get noticed, or from selling things on Gumroad or accepting contributions on PayPal. The way email and spam filters work now, you can’t reasonably and realistically send out much email without a big company helping you. This is a serious problem. It’s bad enough when they ban people like that from sites like Twitter or Facebook, but in this case even Return of King’s own website got shut down due to the left’s censorship efforts.)
  • 1 out of every 3 school children in TX now speak a foreign language at home. That’s too much to assimilate well.
  • Justin learned how to better download videos from my videos on video editing, and made a new political video: The Stakes (America vs. The Mob Part 2).
  • Justin comments on my videos about George Reisman’s book on Marxism and Socialism.

Curiosity Discussion

If Elizabeth Warren had been Jewish in Nazi Germany, her 1/64th, ancestry, let alone 1/1024th, would have been considered too small to keep her out of the Nazi Party or the SS. That’s how insignificant the worst racists consider it. She’s gotten a lot of mileage out of nothing.

By Elliot Temple. I write philosophical essays and a blog.

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