Cockpit News archive

The best is yet to come …

Next year will be an election year: we will elect the new Members of the European Parliament and a new European Commission will be appointed. With the major political parties already in campaigning mode, it’s time to look at the achievements of the current Commission. And also to recall about some of the promises that were made almost four years ago. Keep reading +

by Capt. Dirk Polloczek, ECA President

Commander’s Discretion – a bet on the future with a high degree of uncertainty

Commander’s discretion (CD) is frequently seen as a welcome extension of the limits to make up for the unrealistic planning. Reasonable buffers to cover uncertainties cost money. While CD seems quite simple, there are many aspects that every pilot & cabin crew must be aware of to ensure safe operations.This is why our FTL experts put together much-needed guidance on this matter.  Keep reading + 

Standing back on your feet after an airline bankruptcy

Advice from an ex-airberliner

The relationship between the airline and Flight Crew is often compared to being married. When an airline goes bust, this marriage is destroyed overnight. So, with no time to grieve and vent frustrations pilots just need to seek a new relationship. Many of the pilots have worked for years or decades for this airline and have no idea how to apply, prepare and conduct assessments/interviews. They need help but first they need to admit it... Keep reading +

The new contracts of Ryanair Sun in Poland are a chilling example of everything that went wrong with employment & working conditions in Europe

The truth about pilot shortage is far more elaborate than what many in the industry are trying to portray. Factors such as region, type of operation, experience level of the pilot group need to be considered each time we speak about “the pilot shortage”. 

So it’s time we stop talking about the pilot shortage and how to fix it. Instead, it is time the industry and aviation authorities look at the policies and practices for attracting, selecting, training and enabling the right talent, as well as providing an attractive and stable career. In a series of articles, we will give our views on how these could be achieved

Anyone can become a pilot...

This point of view can certainly lead to heated discussions with camp A saying that not just anybody can become a pilot, since you need a very unique skillset to become one. Camp B would disagree saying that most of these skills can simply be trained.  Keep reading +

Pilot supply

What can be done to ensure an appropriate supply of skilled, talented flight crews? Do we have enough qualified pilots currently on the market? Is there a pilot shortage or not? When answering these questions, one needs to consider various aspects, such as the region, type of operation, the experience of the pilot group considered and the economics of pilot supply. Keep reading +

VIDEO: The dark side of flying for € 9,95 

Wet-leasing deal is a win-win

A revised article 13 of EU Reg. 1008/2008 will allow the EU to lift the existing time restriction on wet-leasing (i.e. leasing aircraft with crew) and solve a dispute between the EU and the US. At the same time, the amendment will prevent the ever-increasing creative airline set-ups in the EU that include wet-leasing such as empty shell companies, owning only one or two aircraft, while all others are wet-leased from 3rd countries. Keep reading +
The European Cockpit Association represents the collective interests of professional pilots at European level, striving for the highest levels of aviation safety and fostering social rights and quality employment.
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