
Hello there! 
Welcome to newsletter No.8.
The 'Unexpected Surprises' issue.

Well, what a month it's been! Here at Adventure Bureau HQ we've been kept creatively hydrated for the entire month purely on the ideas from our last show. NICE WORK ADVENTURERS!

With so many ideas, we embarked on a tale starring a Postman with a giant bottom, Sir Lollipop Pringlepop (funnest boy ever), and a very small wise person that came to our aid whilst at the helm of a farting aeroplane. What started out as a 'how do I get out of this cave' story ended up becoming a story of cured lifetime ailments and finding true love with a friend who loves cats. I think we all learnt a lot that day. Personally, I learnt about the power of finding contentment and joy with not knowing what's going to happen next.

Here are some of the pictures that opened up our hearts and lead us into the bountiful unknown...

Join us:


Our next monthly show is happening THIS SUNDAY 21st at 11am @ The Wardrobe Theatre. Come and join us for more unexpected adventures including all your best ideas and a large dollop of fun! Our last show sold out, so it's probably best to book tickets early to make sure your bum is firmly on the adventure express.

This is how we warmed up our ideas last time (like very professional story creators). Maybe you could create your own ideas warm-up and show us your new techniques on Sunday?... 
Buy tickets here!
Well, that's enough unexpected ramblings from me today. We hope you have a wonderful weekend, and maybe we'll unexpectedly see you in a theatre in Bristol very soon for a story full of surprises.

Ta ta for now,

(Adventure Bureau Mischief Maker - official job title)
Buy tickets here!
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