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Kotlin Weekly Newsletter #116

Hello from Manila Kotliners! We met here with a bunch of Kotlin lovers too. There seems to be no frontiers!

This newsletter is sponsored by Pusher. If you want to learn about how to build products with Realtime features, this is the link you want to check. Now grab your coffee or tea, and start learning more Kotlin.

Android Kotlin Coroutines: Basic Terminologies & Usage (
Are you tired of managing worker threads in Java-Android? Kotlin-Coroutines are here to rescue. Yes! *Coroutines are now stable*. Compared to all other alternatives like Executor and RxJava, Coroutines are easy to learn and use. Check out in this article their basic terminologies and usage.

Lambda mixup (
David Blanc found some issues with Kotlin, lambdas, and parenthesis. when working with SonarQube. We do not blame SonarQube, but we thank David for putting out together a nice article.

droidcon NYC 2018 - Effective Kotlin (
The videos from the Droidcon NYC 18 are on YouTube. In this session, you can learn more about how to use Kotlin effectively.

Catching up with Cedric Beust (
In this new episode of Talking Kotlin, Hadi Hariri talks with Cedric Beust, a long time user of Kotlin to see his thoughts on the progress of the language, why he chose to stick to Kotlin, his thoughts on mobile multi-platform support in Kotlin as well as a few discussions around functional programming and KEEP87.

138: Decompress – kotlin scripting ( 
In this short chapter of FragmentedPodcast, Donn asks Kaushik Gopal about a recent hackathon side project that he worked on with Kotlin scripting.

Raúl Raja at KotlinConf 2018 (
In this talk from KotlinConf 2018, Raúl discusses Arrow in a comprehensive walk-through of the most important patterns covered by the data types and type classes we find in the library. Each pattern is accompanied by code examples that illustrate how Λrrow brings Typed Functional Programming to the Kotlin Programming Language.

My call for Kotlin as a major frontend language (
Sébastien Deleuze has put together a call to establish Kotlin as a major frontend language. A good selection of bullet points arguing why Kotlin should take over this place.

Plugin Management Tutorial for Gradle and Kotlin (
Are you having problems when upgrading Kotlin with your Plugins? Then check out this short tutorial - which also proves that GitHub can be used to write articles.

Writing Kotlin DSLs with nested builder pattern (
It’s true that DSLs are a great way to add some readability to your code/configurations, but how do you write them to accept complex data structures in a clean, immutable way? Vince Delricco shows you how.


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If you want to submit an article for the next issue, please do also drop us an email.

Thanks to JetBrains for their support!

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