Hey <<First Name>>, here's everything that's going on this week in Givat Shmuel.

This Week In Givat Shmuel

It looks like there are no special announcements for this week, but make sure to check our website for recent news.

Upcoming Events

Currently, there are no special events scheduled for this week, but that doesn't mean nothing is happening!
Check out our Facebook Page for anything scheduled last minute, and don't forget to add your own events to the community calendar.

Shabbat Times

October 19-20 - Parshat Lech Lecha

Candlelighting:  17:42
(Earliest) Havdalah:  18:44
Supermarket Closing Times
A&M 16:00
Bar Kol 14:00
Chaviv 15:00
Mega Ba'ir 15:00
Rami Levy 15:00
Shufersal 15:00
Shuk Ha'ir 14:00
Super Bareket 14:30


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