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Oct 17: Critical M-NCPPC Briefing at 10 am

Maryland National Capital Park and Planning staff will share their analysis of the 15+ alternatives for I-495 and I-270 with the Commissioners at 10 am on Wed. 17 at M-NCPPC, which is located at 8787 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910.

The Commissioners will then share their most critical issues and concerns with staff in an attempt to guide MDOT SHA in its selection of three or more of the alternatives for detailed engineering and environmental studies (aka Alternatives Retained for Detailed Study or "ARDS").

SHA is expected to release its chosen ARDS in January 2019 for public comment.  Here's a link to the M-DOT SHA toll lane project site.

Thanks to Del. Marc Korman (Dist 16) for this exchange with M-DOT Secretary Rahn during the Oct 11 Rockville briefing. My take:

Korman: M-DOT ignored local input and unilaterally announced for-profit toll lanes for I-495/I-270 (despite numerous state promises to pick transportation projects based on local input).

Rahn: M-DOT has been open, transparent, and its compliance with the federal National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) process for the toll lane project is local input enough.

In the News
Check out these links to some amazing coverage of supporters for better transportation without Lexus Lanes over the past week that ran in the Washington Post and on multiple local media outlets.
Copyright © October 15, 2018
Citizens Against Beltway Expansion

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