
Home Remedies

I remember when I was a kid and had a sore throat, my mum would make a mug of hot water, lemon and honey to help soothe that rotten feeling.
Turns out her motherly instinct also made sense. Honey has antibacterial and antiviral properties to fight infection and help boost your immunity. It has been used for years as a home remedy to help relieve sore throats and upper respiratory issues. Plus, the juice of the lemon offers extra vitamin C.
Mother Nature provides us with hundreds of colorful fruits, vegetables and herbs to keep us in balance and help us when our systems are down and out, so remember to include lots of nutrients throughout the year.

Don't forget that healthy living includes working to reduce stress, get good quality sleep and to take it easy on sweets and processed foods, especially as we enter the holiday season.
If you start to feel the sniffles coming on, you can try this juice recipe featuring pineapple, which is a great addition to add to any anti-infective and anti-inflammatory juices, as it has been shown to improve immunity and reduce coughs.
Make your own cough syrup out of pineapple, lemon, ginger and spices.
You can whip up a warm pot of vegetable broth with garlic, ginger and turmeric too.
Or check out this whole list of home remedies that can help you recover from a cold faster, including what to add to your hot bath.
For extra support any time of year, join the Joe Cross Community Facebook group with more than 26,000 members sharing recipes and tips on juicing, healthy lifestyle and so much more.

Juice on,
Joe Cross

Fire Cider
This easy recipe can help protect you from the winter sniffles and will keep you safe from all the hundreds of virus’s floating around in the cooler weather. You can take a shot in water when you wake up or add it to a hot tea.
Elderberry Syrup
Just a spoonful of this syrup a day could help prevent a lot of sniffles and aches this season and it’s easier than you think to make it at home with a few simple ingredients.
Immune Boosters
Your kitchen may already contain foods that can help you when you are feeling sick. These six foods offer simple solutions to keep you healthy this season.
Sleep Well
Sleep is an important component to a healthy lifestyle, as it affects how we look, feel and perform on a daily basis, and can have a major impact on our overall health.
Guided Reboots this Month:
15 Day: November 1 (starts today)
15 Day:  November 8

Ready for a Reboot? Work with a certified nutritionist in a supervised, online weight-loss program. Reserve your spot today!

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