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In the Name of Allah.
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Dear Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya,

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Soon Insha'Allah I will have completed my term as Sadr Majlis and will transition that responsibility to another. I am grateful to Allah Almighty for all His Grace; I offer tauba and istighfaar for all mistakes, those I committed knowingly and those I committed unknowingly. I also seek your forgiveness for them, too, and thank you for your patience and cooperation. I have 14 months remaining as a khadim, alhamdulillah, and during that time I will enjoy being called by my first name and not by any bygone titles. Once a new Sadr is approved by Huzoor e Anwer (aba), the Majlis will InshaAllah let you know right away.  

These are extraordinarily blessed days with Huzoor Aqdas (aba) in our midst and many have flocked to meet and see him. In this day, Allah has determined for us that all spiritual progress comes through your obedience to Khilafat. Forget all other standards of progress, including what you are perceiving as your hard work for Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. Obedience is more important than your sacrifice and striving. In fact, the highest form of sacrifice and striving is obedience. Therefore, just as it is important for you to see Huzoor, it is important for you to listen to and do what he has been telling us. Everyone wishes that Huzoor should know them personally. While that is a natural emotion, it is more important for you to become the person Huzoor is constantly urging you to become. Whether he knows you or not is secondary and not the point. 

May Allah enable us all to do so. Once again, JazakAllah. Rabbana taqabbal minna innaka antus samee ul aleem, O our Lord accept from us this effort, verily You are the All Hearing and All Knowing.




Bilal Rana

Outgoing Ṣadr Majlis Khuddāmul Aḥmadiyya

United States of America

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