This November Duke Urology Newsletter highlights our newest faculty member, Dr. Gary Faerber, who comes to us with a wealth of experience in managing nephrolithiasis and resident education. In addition, we recently celebrated the establishment of the David Paulson Lectureship in Urologic Oncology, funded by a generous endowment from Roz and Milton Lachman, long-time supporters of our educational and research missions. We also celebrated Linda Mace’s tremendous contributions to Duke Urology during her 43 years of working with us, and held our annual CURED (Committee for Urologic Research, Education and Development) Brunch, informing our Duke Urology supporter of our progress in clinical care, urologic research and resident education.
As always, we greatly appreciate your support of our Program. All the best for a happy and healthy holiday season.
Gary Faerber, MD joins Duke Urology Faculty
Gary Faerber, MD, joined Duke Urology this fall as a Professor of Urology and will be involved in our urinary stone program at Duke and Durham VA Hospitals. Dr. Faerber comes to us from the University of Utah, where he served for two years after spending his urologic career previously at the University of Michigan. Dr. Faerber and his wife, Kathleen Cooney, MD, moved to Durham where she is the new Chair of the Department of Medicine at Duke. He received his MD from Temple University in Philadelphia and completed a urology residency at The University of Michigan in 1989.
After training, he remained on staff at the University of Michigan and rose to the academic rank of Professor, eventually being named the Endowed Edward J. McGuire Research Professor. Dr. Faerber’s clinical and research interest is in urinary calculus disease, and he has authored over 120 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 17 chapters. He has also been an invited speaker nationally and internationally.
Dr, Faerber has a strong interest in medical education. He was the Residency Program Director at the University of Michigan from 2003–2013 and Associate Chair of Education from 2010–2016. His exceptional commitment and contributions to resident education were recognized this year when he was awarded the Robert C. Flanigan Education Award by the American Urologic Association (AUA). He has also served on the AUA Educational and Judicial & Ethics Committees and the Resident Education Committee of the American College of Surgeons. He has been President of the Society of Urologic Chairs and Program Directors. Most recently, he completed his tenure as President of the North Central Section of the AUA. In addition to his clinical duties, Dr. Faerber will work with Duke University Medical Center to coordinate ambulatory surgery activities.
Duke Urology Chiefs Judd Moul (2004-11), David Paulson (1980-2004), and Glenn Preminger (2011-present) along with Linda Mace.
November 6 Event Honors Linda Mace and David Paulson
On November 6th, Duke Urology hosted a reception at the Washington Duke Inn, in honor of Linda Mace and David Paulson. Nearly forty alumni, former faculty, and friends of Duke Urology were in attendance.
Linda Mace recently completed 43 years of service with Duke Urology. Over the decades, Linda has been a steady constant for Duke Urology. The success of Duke Urology under the leadership of Drs. Glenn, Paulson, Moul, and Preminger was, in no small way, due to Linda’s efforts. She paid great attention to every detail to make sure that everything ran smoothly and had an encyclopedic memory of why, what, where, and how things were. She assisted and mentored our faculty, fellows, residents, and her fellow peers. Linda was always a pleasure to work with and would always go the extra mile to help someone when needed. Whether it was taking on yet another project or simply offering to give someone a ride, we could always count on Linda to lend a helping hand. Although Linda will be missed here in the Division, we wish her the absolute best. Congratulations, Linda Mace, on your well-deserved retirement!
Dr. Paulson’s years of leadership and vision were recognized by the recent establishment of the David F. Paulson Lectureship in Urology that will have its inaugural lecture in the coming year. Congratulations, Dr. Paulson; retirement is clearly agreeing with you!
From L-R back row: Dr. Craig Donatucci, Dr. Thomas Polascik, Dr. Jeff Gingrich, Dr. John Wiener, Dr. Phillip Walther, Dr. Brant Inman. From L-R front row: Dr. Glenn Preminger, Dr. Everrett Anderson, Dr. David Paulson, and Dr. Judd Moul.
Duke Algorithm for Prostate Cancer Screening Adopted by North Carolina State Cancer Commission
The State Cancer Commission adopted the Duke prostate cancer screening protocol as its official algorithm. Methods to diagnose prostate cancer remain controversial, and Duke Urology scientists worked hard to incorporate the best data in order to develop an algorithm to maximize the chance of finding lethal cancers early while minimizing the risk of overtreatment of non-lethal cancers. This effort was led by Duke Urology team members Tom Polascik MD (Urology) and Andy Armstrong MD (Medical Oncology) along with all of the Duke Urology surgical oncologists. The outcome of their efforts was presented to the NC State Legislature and NC Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control Meeting by Steve Patierno PhD (Deputy Director of Duke Cancer Institute) in Raleigh on November 2, 2018.
Brunch and Conversation with Duke Urology
Duke Urology hosted an event for our donors on Saturday, September 29, at the Washington Duke Inn. Our clinician–scientists gave presentations to our patients and supporters so that they could learn more about cutting-edge research and patient-centered programs. The event provided an excellent opportunity for attendees to hear directly from the experts and interact with their physicians outside of a clinical setting. Dr. Preminger moderated a question & answer session above with the presenters:
Thomas Polascik, MD New Methods of Screening and Diagnosing Prostate Cancer
Karen Baker, MD Cancer Survivorship: Erectile Dysfunction and Infertility
Maryellen Kelly, DNP Diabetes and Voiding Dysfunction in Children and Adolescents
Michael Lipkin, MD Advances in Kidney Stone Management
Michael Ferrandino, MD Urology Residency Education
Aaron Lentz, MD Men's Health Center at Duke Raleigh Hospital
Brant A. Inman, MD MS, was an invited speaker at the Canadian Senior Resident Urologic Oncology course and AUA webinar on immune-oncology in bladder cancer.
The poster of John S. Wiener, MD on Sexual Activity and Function in Adult Men with Spina Bifida was awarded Best ePoster in the Andrology section of the 38th Congress of the Societe Internationale d’Urologie, held in October in Seoul, Korea. He also was a contributor to the SIU-ICUD Joint Consultation on Congenital Lifelong Urology forum at the meeting
Jonathan C. Routh, MD MPH, was elected to the executive committee and named President-Elect 2018-2020 of the Society of Pediatric Urology Oncology Working Group
Chuck D. Scales, Jr MD MS, was inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons at the 2018 Clinical Congress in Boston in October. His collaboration with resident Ashley Johnston, MD, that was noted in our last newsletter won an Excellence in Clinic Research Award there. Dr. Scales recently received grants from the Duke University Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation for “Our Bedtime Story: Reducing Depersonalization with Narrative Medicine” and the School of Medicine Interdisciplinary Colloquium for the “Behavioral and Incentive Science Colloquium.”
Glenn M. Preminger, MD , was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Endourology Society at their annual meeting in Paris on September 22, 2018.
From left: Dr. Thomas Polascik, Dr. Glenn Preminger, and Dr. Michael Lipkin.
The Duke Urology residents again had a strong showing in the Residents debates and research presentations at the North Carolina Urological Association meeting in Greensboro on October 27, 2018. Debate winners included Kohl Boydston, Bradley Potts, and Gene Cone. In the research category, Andrew Chang won second prize in basic science research, and Ashley Johnston won first prize in clinical research for projects conducted during their surgeon-scientist fellowship in the prior academic year. As mentioned in the last newsletter, Dr. Johnston’s project was awarded for Excellence in Clinical Research at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress in Boston in October.
The poster presentation of Leonid Aksenov MS4, titled “Analgesic Prescribing Patterns in Emergency Departments for Acure Symptomatic Urolithiasis in the United States, 2006-12,” was awarded Best Clinical Research Paper at the World Congress on Endourology meeting in October in Paris. This project included co-authors Ashley Johnston, MD, (resident), Brent Winship, MD, (fellow), Russell Terry (fellow), and faculty members Jonathan Routh MD, MPH, Mike Lipkin, MD, MBA, Glenn Preminger, MD, and Chuck Scales, MD, MS (senior author).

November 6, 2018
Dr. Hadley Wood, Associate Professor of Urology at Cleveland Clinic spoke on "So you're going off to college? Transition to Adulthood in Patients with Congenital Urological Condition"
February 19, 2019
John P. Mulhall, MD MSc FECSM FASC
Director of Male Sexual & Reproductive Medicine
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Daniela A. Wittmann PhD MSW
Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Social Work
University of Michigan
July 9, 2019 – Morris Center for Urology Research Lectureship
Sam S. Chang MD MBA
Patricia and Rodes Hart Endowed Chair of Urologic Surgery
Professor of Urologic Surgery and Oncology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Paul Coughlin MD FACS
High Point, NC
"History of Duke Urology Residency Program”
November 12, 2019 – John E Dees MD Lectureship
Barry Kogan MD FAAP FACS
Falk Chair of Urology
Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics
Albany Medical College, Albany NY