Lutz Preparatory Weekly NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V7 Issue 18, November 2, 2018
Trunk or Treat a Huge Success!
Thank you to EVERYONE who volunteered at and participated in Trunk or Treat to help make it a wonderful family event. The first place trunk decoration award went to the Agustines Family (Stranger Things theme).  Honorable mentions go out to the Brock Family (Under the Sea theme), the Whelton Family (Super Mario theme), the Maus Family (Clown theme), and the Ward family (Zoltar Speaks theme). Thank you to all the parents who spent many hours decorating their trunks and greeting the families with candy, games, and fun.  We could not have done this without you!  

Special thanks goes to Ms. Szczepanski (6th grade teacher), Mrs. Theresa Gorski (parent volunteer), and our Middle School Student Council for creating and leading the planning for the event.

  • Monday, November 5:
    • 7th Grade Keys Field Trip (11/4-11/7)
    • 7th Grade Local Field Trip
    • Silent Auction Winning Bid Pick Up Station 7:30-8:30 AM by the Flagpole
  • Tuesday, November 6:
    • 7th Grade Local Field Trip
  • Wednesday, November 7:
    • Early Release, Dismissal Begins at Noon
  • Friday, November, November 9:
    • Mid-Quarter Progress Reports Sent Home
    • 2nd Grade Veteran's Day Program
Report Absences to:

Edsby Questions?

Habit of the Month

Put First Things First

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
Dismissal Begins at Noon

Bolts of Blue Spirit Sponsorship Levels of Synergize ($300) and Above OR Students May Donate $6 
Please read carefully, this is NOT AN ALL STUDENT dress down day.  

Thank You to Our Synergize Package Sponsors
Students whose sponsorship levels reached the Synergize Package ($300) and above have a non-uniform day on Wednesday, November 7th.  Homeroom teachers will be given Synergize Level and above rosters to validate those students who were awarded this non-uniform day.  

Additional Students May Still Participate!
Any student(s) still wishing to participate in this non-uniform day can turn in their donation of $6.00 to their teacher on Wednesday, November 7th.  Funds will apply to Bolts of Blue Campaign.
Important Dates

11/12:  Veteran's Day, Non-Student Day

11/13-16:  Great American Teach In Week

11/14:  Diabetes Awareness Day

11/14:  PTA Sponsored All Pro Dad Breakfast

11/14:  Leader in Me Parent Seminar Morning

11/15:  Lightning Leader Ceremony

11/15:  Leader In me Parent Seminar Evening

11/19-23:  Fall Break, No School

11/29:  Fall Picture Retakes (Yearbook Photos) & Group Photos

11/29:  Board of Director Meeting

11/30:  4th Grade Field Trip

11/30-12/4:  6th Grade Field Trip (Fri, Mon, Tues)

12/1:  PTA Winter Fest

12/7:  Community Outreach Opportunity 6:00-8:00 PM

12/10:  6th, 7th, & 8th Student Council Field Trip

12/12:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon

12/12:  PTA Sponsored All Pro Dad Meeting

12/12:  School Wide Writes

12/13:  Winter Concert

12/13:  SMATH Night

12/20:  Lightning Leader Ceremony

12/20:  Dodge Ball Tournament

12/21:  End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester

12/24--1/4:  Winter Break/School and District Offices Closed

1/7:  Non Student Day

1/8:  Students Return to School
Academic Calendar

Veteran's Day Program Performed by 2nd Grade 
Second Grade is performing a Veteran’s Day program on Friday, November 9th, 2018 at 8:00 AM in the gym.  

The entire school is invited to come watch!  We welcome all Veteran's to attend! Staff will guide visitors through front south gate to circle around to the gym entrance.

The set up times have changed and we need volunteers to help, please see the Volunteer Corner for the sign up genius.  Please consider volunteering!

Please note: Volunteers who stay after the concert the entire time to clean up will earn a free-dress pass for their child.

Second grade students performing should wear all navy blue LP uniform tops, bottoms, or dresses. Each class will be singing the song of one of the five branches of the military.
We are creating slideshows to accompany the songs. All LP families are invited to send photos of their veterans or active military members.  Please send photo(s) and detailed information by Friday, November 2, 2018

  1. Must be JPEG or PNG form to be accepted
  2. Family name clearly labeled 
  3. Branch of the military photo represents
  4. Email to Ms. Schoenfeld at
  5. Even if you submitted photos last year, you need to re-submit them again to have them included
Volunteer Corner
Veteran's Day Concert - Help Needed November 8th & 9th - THE SET UP TIME HAS CHANGED, PLEASE REVIEW AND SEE IF YOU CAN HELP ON 11/8/2018
Volunteers needed for set-up/clean up and important tasks during the Veterans' Day Concert.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius.

Blazing Bolts Run Club Volunteers - NEW SIGN UP
We are looking for 4 volunteers at each running club to help with set up, facilitating, and break down.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius.
2018-19 School Year HCPS Required Volunteer Application
Please note: Per Florida State law, school volunteers must be background checked each year.  Applicants can REACTIVE/UPDATE your prior volunteer application or apply for the first time.  All volunteers must be approved through this HCPS process each school year 7/1 through 6/30 prior to volunteering on our campus or on field trips at Lutz Preparatory School.  Click HERE to apply or update your past application.  

PTA Updates
Bolts of Blue Silent Auction Winning Bids – Item Pick-up Times

  • Friday Nov 2 @ 5:45pm – 6:45pm (@PNO & Lock-In drop-off)
  • Monday Nov 5 @ 7:30am – 8:30am (in the courtyard in front of the school)

Box Top Campaign
Our Annual Box Tops drive is underway!  Please start clipping and collecting Box Tops.  This year each classroom has a collection goal of 1,800 Box Tops!  Classroom collections will be tallied monthly and for the classes that achieve their monthly goals they will be rewarded! 

Please follow these simple steps to help make our collection drive run smoothly:   
  1. Neatly cut and sort your Box Tops and place into baggies or print a fun collection sheet from HERE and adhere the Box Tops.
  2. Place your child's name and homeroom teacher's name on the baggie or collection sheet so that he/she receives credit.
  3. Baggies can be dropped off in the collection mailbox in the front lobby or with your homeroom teacher.  
***Don’t forget to download the Bonus Box Tops app to earn even more Box Tops digitally!***
Box Tops for Education has rolled out a new app for your Smartphone or Apple device. It allows our school to earn BONUS Box Tops for items you already buy with the on-package Box Tops.  Check the app often as the offers change weekly!

It only takes a few minutes to download the app and create an account which allows you to automatically add bonus Box Tops to our school with just a picture of your receipt.  Screen shot or forward the email you receive from the Box Tops Bonus App showing the Receipt ID and the amounts earned and then email to along with your child’s homeroom teachers name so that they can receive Box Tops credit for their class!

Bonus Box Tops = More Money for Our School!  Thank you for helping out Lutz Prep!!
If you have any questions, please contact Natacha Sanderson or Nicole Trailer at

High School Options Reminder

The Hillsborough County Public Schools Choice & Magnet High School Application Window opened October 26th and continues through December 31st

Hillsborough County Schools Choice Expo
Are you interested in learning about the more than 50 magnet schools and choice options available for your student? These schools charge no tuition and offer special programs in subjects like science, the arts, and many career fields.

Friday, November 2nd, at the Florida State Fairgrounds from 3 to 7 p.m. There’s free entertainment, food trucks with food available for purchase, and admission and parking are free.  You can see examples of the programs, talk to current students, ask questions, and even apply on the spot!
  • For more about magnet and choice options, visit our website:
  • Click HERE for a full list of Magnet High School Program Information Sessions hosted at each individual school. 
  • Click HERE to link to the High School Magnet Programs listing.
  • Click HERE to learn about the Pasco County School Choice Expo
5th Grade Heads to Junior Achievement BizTown
BizTown is an engaging, hands-on program that introduces 5th graders to economic concepts, workplace skills, and personal and business finances in a student-sized town built just for them.  After learning concepts in the classroom over the last few months, they put their skills to work by becoming citizens for a day in JA BizTown. Students operate a simulated economy and take on the challenge of running businesses. The students got hands-on experience as both employees and consumers, paying rent, taxes and utilities, purchasing insurance, depositing paychecks and buying other business’ products, handling customer service, and more! This annual field trip day was another great day in the life of our 5th grade leaders.  
Art Department Needs Your Submissions for a  Leader In Me Exhibit
Calling all LP students! We need your creative input for a permanent Leader in Me Art Exhibit!  You will be using your photography skills. We would be delighted to have each student participate.
Here are the steps….
  • Step #1: Find objects that represent how you practice one of the 7 Habits. For example, you could use soccer socks to represent Habit #3, Put First Things First, to show that you put “First Things First” by practicing soccer drills before you watch TV.
  • Step #2: Arrange those objects into the acronym letters, L.I.M. (see example pictures)
  • Step #3: Take a picture of it! Then email it to Mrs. Williams at
We will make a large collection of everyone’s photographs for the display.  Thank you for helping!!
2018-19 Transition Year for New Uniform Vendor
Click HERE to read full details about our uniform transition. 

Order from Red’s Team Sports:

Flash Sale LP Logo Items
We have opened up our online school store again for a flash sale of items currently in stock at the school of last year’s styles/products.  Order online and items will be delivered to your student's HR teacher (with the exception of the glass mason jars, those must be picked up in the main office).  Click HERE to visit the Spirit Wear section of our school store.

  • Discontinued middle & elementary school spirit shirts  $8  
  • Car magnets $5
  • Mason jars $8
  • Spangle bling shirts $20 child/$25 adult
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