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Behavioural Design Digest
November 14th 2018

Why Trump will win again in 2020 (bigly)

People vote with their values. That's the big secret that populists understand perfectly well, but progressives and moderates find so difficult to embrace. When progressives wonder in despair why people vote against their self-interest, they fail to understand that these people vote in perfect alignment with the values. The linguist George Lakoff arguments time and again that every conservative policy follows from a strict-father family model, in which men stands above women and children, rich above poor, Christians above other religions, White above other races, etc... Trump is nothing more than the strict dad who follows the logical moral laws of the world. And while conservatives campaign very disciplined on values, liberals keep campaigning ons issues. When Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi gave her victory speech last week, she claimed that this election was won on the issue of healthcare (I quote: "Let's hear it now for pre-existing medical conditions. yiiiiiy"). That's when I realized we're going to have another 4 years of Trump. Democrats keep bringing steak knives to a gun fight. 

Why Trump? A brilliant long-read by George Lakoff
The Framelab Podast with George Lakoff

Interested in how framing works in shaping behaviour? Learn about it in our Behavioural Design Masterclass or develop your a framing strategy for your organization in a Behavioural Design Sprint
=== is awesome (and free)

Our friends at the Neuromarketing Agency Alpha One have developed, a free AI-empowered eye-tracking tool. They fed the AI with thousands of eye-tracking tests and results to the point that it learned to predict with a 90% certainty how people will scan an ad or a website. Since it's still in beta, you can use it for free. I submitted our home-screen to and the result is exactly what you could expect. Go and give it a try on an image of your own website:

Behind the Screens
A little peek inside SUE Behavioural Design

We tend to forget to talk about all the stuff that is going on at SUE, while there's every reason to be incredibly proud of what the team has been pulling off. We've been doing lot's of trainings and Behavioural Design Sprints to help people to make better choices, using the science of influence.
To name a couple of recent Behavioural Design Sprints: 
  • UNHCR in Copenhagen to come up with a new fundraising proposition for middle donors
  • One of the biggest banks in the Netherlands to prevent people from piling up mortgage debts
  • ANWB (Dutch Automobile Association) to get people to stop using their smartphone while driving
  • Cliniclowns, to re-think and prototype the way they approach fundraising.
  • Having lot's of fun with collaborating with one of the leading Dutch political parties in fighting populism. 
In addition to the sprints and the open edition of the Behavioural Design Masterclass, we have recently been doing custom workshop and leadership training programs for brands like KPN, Randstad, Sportcity/FitForFree, iChoosr, ASR. BDO and Canon Europe to help their teams to embrace outside-in thinking.

Oh, and we moved this week from the first to the second floor of the West Indian Warehouse in the heart of Amsterdam. See you there in one of the next editions of the Behavioural Design Academy masterclass?

Do you consider hiring SUE? Book 60 minutes with SUE. Get to know the people behind SUE / Behavioural Design Academy and get a Behavioural Design perspective on your challenge. Who knows where it could lead to...


Book 60 minutes with SUE
That's all for this week, we hope to catch you next week!

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