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Nov 1, 2018

M-DOT Response to Rockville Request to Protect Homes Falls Short

MD Secretary of Transportation Peter K. Rahn
M-DOT Secretary Peter Rahn's Oct 19 letter to the City of Rockville falls way short of the city's request that Gov. Hogan put in writing his pledges to not take homes or expand I-270 beyond the current sound wall barriers Lexus Lanes. (Rockville Reports reprints the state's letter here.)

Pete Altman of notes the following:

* Sec. Rahn tries to sound reassuring but won't commit to protect homes (not to mention businesses, parks, the environment.)

* Sec. Rahn justifies keeping Lexus Lane proposals that would threaten homes, businesses and the environment on the table because of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. NEPA is guiding much of the formal review process.

We note that this doesn't make much sense. By February, M-DOT/State Highway Administration will be taking most of the 15+ designs it unveiled last spring off the table so it can advance a small number for detailed engineering and environmental study. The only alternative M-DOT is required to keep under NEPA is the one for not building anything.

Thanks for Blow Out Oct 29 Meeting at Grace Episcopal Church

Thanks to everybody who filled the room and spoke at Monday's multi-civic association meeting at Grace Episcopal Church in Silver Spring.
Thanks especially to Delegate Jheanelle K. Wilkins (Dist. 20) and Jared Solomon, Democratic candidate for delegate in Dist. 18, for coming out and sharing their thoughts on Gov. Hogan's commitment to add Lexus Lanes to I-495 and I-270. It's so appreciated.

BTW -- All the information shared at the meeting is available from our website, including the presentation below.

New CABE Presentation on Better Transportation Without Lexus Lanes!

Our latest presentation provides an overview of:
  • The better transportation choices we support.
  • Why Gov. Hogan's for-profit toll lanes on I-495/I-270 will threaten homes, businesses, communities and the environment.
  • How Lexus Lanes can charge big peak tolls (like $42+ tolls in N.VA) without significantly reducing congestion.
  • Why I-495/I-270 Lexus Lanes will likely need ongoing taxpayer help despite big tolls.
Get a copy by clicking on the image above or visiting or -- for more presentations, flyers, and yard signs.

We're Running Out of Yard Signs!

To make a difference, CABE needs your help.

Any amount  -- $5, $10, $25 -- will help us fund mailings, flyers, yard signs and popular advocacy for better transportation without Gov. Hogan's Lexus Lanes on I-495 and I-270.

We rely on small donations. Donate today. Lets work together to protect our homes, communities and the environment. Spread the word.

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Copyright © November 1, 2018
Citizens Against Beltway Expansion

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