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I am fascinated by people who seem to be unlikely candidates to lead and enact tremendous social change. Despite their background, economic status, lack of influence or political connections they were able to make a lasting and deep impact on our world. I think of people like Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela – there are more I could name, but I think you get the point. I refer to them as the unicorns of humanity because it seems like they are quite rare as compared to society as a whole. I started thinking about it and the fact that we consider people like this rare only serves to make us feel that we don’t have what it takes to contribute something of that nature to the world.


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Inspired by Nature

I had an amazing opportunity to visit the Lubee Bat Conservancy, which is an international non-profit organization dedicated to saving bats and their habitats through research, conservation, and education. This was an eye opening and transformational visit in a variety of ways. I must admit that I have never really thought a lot about bats. Pair of batsI think I definitely fell prey to the stereotypes and old wives’ tales about bats...none of which are true by the way. In a rare opportunity to tour the facility, I was able to view up close some of the most beautiful and exotic bat varieties in the world. When understood in true context and reality these creatures are just like any other animal we love and connect to form relationships with their caregivers, be trained to respond to commands and demonstrate the true capacity for love and attachment to humans. No big surprise here, but it reminded me of something important...the fact that everything belongs and has a place in this universe. Not just traditionally cute and adorable dogs and cats, but every animal, insect, tree and human being. We don’t get to decide what has value and what doesn’t. Our job is to seek to remove the barriers within us that keep us from seeing the inherent value in all of creation. Another lovely lesson and important reminder from an unexpected teacher, a beautiful colony of bats!

…And just for fun, here a few facts I learned during my visit. Fruit bats are the primary means of seed dispersal for many tropical plant species and in certain areas of the tropics, bats are responsible for 95% of the regrowth of the rainforests. Insect eating bats, which are the main variety found in the USA, can eat up to 500 mosquito-sized bugs in an hour and are essential in controlling the insect population. Pretty cool, huh!

Inspired by the Word
I love books, and I must say, the only thing I like better than sitting down to read something inspiring is the joy that comes from sharing and discussing an amazing book! What fun is it to read something life changing if you don’t share it with others and see if they feel the power of it resonate with them as well? My selection for this month is:
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible
by Charles Eisenstein

The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible This is one of the most exciting and thought provoking books I have had the pleasure of reading in quite some time. Charles Eisenstein offers us a smart, creative and inspiring look at how our world is changing and the importance of this time for each and every one of us. He brilliantly takes the reader through a journey of looking at the events and daily challenges of our current times with a fresh approach. His main point and thread of consistency being that we are ending the old story of the world we live in and are in the midst of creating and living a new story. The old story being one of separation and individualism, where what I want and how I get there is often in competition and perhaps at the expense of others reaching the same desired goal. Essentially, Charles is speaking to what most of us already know, the old way isn’t working and seems hopelessly unable to resolve the multilayered crisis at hand in the world around us. He doesn’t leave us there to wallow in self-pity nor to wring our hands in despair. Charles take us through a deeply thought provoking and stimulating look at all areas of our lives, our thoughts and established systems to see the possibility and ripeness that these times are offering humanity as a whole. I truly feel this is a valuable and essential book to read and leaves the reader with the clear understanding that the world needs you and most importantly it needs you to bring your authenticity, gifts and love to every moment in front of you.



Inspirational Quote

I thought that it was only fitting to end this month’s newsletter with one of the many inspiring quotes by Martin Luther King Jr. In these times of great uncertainty and seemingly unending upheaval, when hope seems dim and faith is running short - I find comfort and solace in remembering the wisdom and truth spoken in Dr. King’s words and in knowing that the time is always right to do what is right.

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." 

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Until next time, stay inspired!
Jennifer Jozwiak
Copyright © 2018 Jennifer Jozwiak, All rights reserved.

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