March, 2019
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The historical log cabin is gone now, but its story goes on.

The Lost Log Cabin

It was a  lost treasure that was found... and lost again.

Almost no one knew there was a historical log cabin hidden within the walls of an abandoned house in Detroit, just north of Hamtramck. But when it was discovered. historians were thrilled.

Frantic attempts were made to save it because the building was scheduled to be demolished by the city of Detroit. And just when it looked like it was safe, wrecking crews demolished the building.

Preservationists were outraged. The Detroit Land Bank, which owned the building, scrambled to explain what happened. But the result was that an incredible piece of local history was lost.

The Hamtramck Historical Museum worked with Wayne State University to save the building. The Museum was involved because the site was once a part of Hamtramck, and the log cabin was originally a Hamtramck structure. WSU archeologist Dr. Krysta Ryzewski led her students in studying the structure and doing a dig of the site after it was removed.

You can learn just what happened at a special presentation on Thursday, March 28 at the Hamtramck Historical Museum. "The Lost Log Cabin" will relate how the cabin was found, the steps taken to save it and the ultimate failure to keep this historical treasure from being destroyed.

The program will be held at the Museum,  9525 Jos. Campau. Doors open at 6 p.m., the program follows at 7 p.m.

It's free, but donations are appreciated.
Light refreshments will be served.

Donations are needed to complete this portion of the project.

Wayne State University archeology students search for items at the log cabin site.

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So if you are not a member, please become one, and tell all your friends about how they can become our Friends. We have made tremendous progress in the past few years as we have
renovated the Museum building and expanded our outreach programs, but much remains to be done.

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Donations are needed to complete this portion of the project.

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