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Good morning dear reader & welcome to my world for another week. While fear keeps us from danger, it also can keep us from many other amazing experiences.
Your palms are sweaty. Your stomach has this light, unsettled feeling. Your mind races eagerly from thought to thought.
Fear is an innate part of the human experience & has been essential to our survival as a species for thousands of years. While fear may keep us from perceived danger, it also can keep us away from many other amazing experiences.
I recall one of the first times I was requested to speak at a networking event in one of my early roles @ first company in Invercargill. I was honoured to be asked by one of our largest agencies & excited about the opportunity, but fear reared its ugly head. Like it is for many others, public speaking then was outside my comfort zone. The thought of addressing a crowd full of people was overwhelming, [well only 32 people actually]. Would I speak well? Would they learn from me? Could I inspire them?
Doubt sunk in. A flurry of negative thoughts raged through my mind, from stumbling over my words to physically stumbling over the podium. I had a choice: Give into fear & maintain the status quo, or challenge myself & give it my best.
I accepted the challenge & decided not to let fear get in my way. To do the best job possible, I knew extensive preparation was essential. I took plenty of time to prepare my points, hone my message & practice out loud. I was nervous, but ready. Ultimately, the presentation went well, I received lots of great feedback. I was glad I accepted the offer & tried something new.
Like many people faced with a new challenge, it is easy to take the comfortable path. However, when you do this, whether for public speaking, a big promotion or a move across the country, you will always wonder about the road less travelled.
The next time fear creeps up, rather than considering it a warning of impending failure, view it as a sign you are on the right path. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs attest to fear not always being a warning of the negative; rather it is often a signal you are on your way to success.
When facing doubt, it is important to realize fear is not unique to you. Everyone experiences fear, even those you might feel are immune to it.
Will Ferrell once said: “You are never not afraid. I am still afraid,” I was afraid to write this speech. And now, I am just realizing how many people are watching me right now & it is scary. Can you please look away while I deliver the rest of the speech? But my fear of failure never approached the magnitude to worry about what if. What if I never tried at all?”  [1]
For anyone about to embark on a brand-new adventure, he offered some advice I think is fitting for just about anyone:

  • Enjoy the process of your search without succumbing to the pressure of the result.
  • Trust your gut.
  • Keep throwing darts at the dartboard.
  • Don’t listen to the critics ~ you will figure it out. [2]
So next time you feel fear holding you back from trying something new ~ whether in your personal or professional life, I encourage you to push those feelings down & stomp them with your feet. Then be bold & see what happens. Chances are, you will succeed. At the very least, you will be glad you tried. And, always remember the very encouraging words of the Serenity Prayer: ‘Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things we can, & wisdom to know the difference’.

Thank you for taking the time to be with me once again. I hope my journey may encourage you also. This is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson, with my best wishes for the weekend ahead. I look forward to being with you all again next week. 
[1] Will Ferrell’s 2017 commencement speech for the University of Southern California made this point perfectly.
[2] Molly Moseley is a marketing strategist and brand evangelist with a record of achievement in conceptualizing new ideas, designing processes and programs, and overseeing tactical execution to deliver on corporate goals. 

Kenn Butler
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