October 26, 2018
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All Saints' Day
In our Baptismal Covenant we, say: “I believe in… the communion of saints, … the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.” (Book of Common Prayer, page 304)

In our annual observance of All Saints’ Day, we make those words a tangible reality by celebrating our relationship, not only with those around us today, but also with all those who have gone before us in all times and places.  Christians have been praying for their departed brothers and sisters since the earliest days of Christianity. 

Praying for the dead is actually borrowed from Judaism. At All Saints, we set up an Altar of Remembrance by placing plates of votive candles on the altar. During the service, we ask you to come forward and light them in honor of the saints in your life or in honor of the saints who have entered eternal life. When you come to church, you may place your Saint’s photo on tables set up at the back and front of the church.  We look forward to welcoming your Saints!

This is also a good time to tell the younger members of your family stories about their great-grandparents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and how they have influenced your life and that of your family’s. There is power in story, and we are all part of God’s Story!!! 

All Saints' Day Flowers
If you want to remember someone in a special way on All Saints’ Day, November 4, consider contributing to the flower fund.  The person’s name will be inscribed in the Book of Remembrance.  There are envelopes in your pledge book and in the narthex.  Please return the envelopes to the Parish Office by Tuesday, October 30.  A supplemental list will be included in the following week’s bulletin if you don’t get it in on time.  Contact Barbara Hooper with any questions.
Walking the Labyrinth: Giving Yourself to God in Prayer and Discernment
 The calming labyrinth has long been used as a source of solace, comfort and clarity. Much like walking in the woods or sitting in a quiet room to clear one's head, walking the labyrinth is a type of simple meditation consisting of a walkable, single-line path.  Have a problem? Walk the labyrinth to clear your mind and tease out a solution. Need to discover spiritual meaning or find inspiration? A labyrinth can lead you where you seek to go. 
A labyrinth is not like a maze. A maze’s intention is to get you lost and a labyrinth’s intention is to help you be found in mind, body and spirit. 

Simple instructions:
As you discern your way of love and thanksgiving for all that God has given you, leave whatever is holding you back...then enter our narthex Labyrinth and allow yourself to be embraced by the arms of the mystery of God.

The labyrinth will be located in the narthex on All Saints Day. 

Animal Parade, Costume Contest and Pet Info Expo Cancelled Sat.
Despite the anticipation and excitement over the third annual Animal Parade, Costume Contest and Pet Info Expo -- scheduled for Saturday, October 27, from 2 to 4 p.m. -- organizers and expo participants agree it is best to cancel the event, and scrap the rain date, since a significant weekend nor'easter is expected with heavy rain, blustery winds and cold temperatures. It's no fun being outdoors in cold rainy, windy weather -- not for people or for pets. So, save your costumes and your enthusiasm for next year. We'll be back with even more prizes, fun and information! Thank you. 

Our annual fair will be held on Saturday, November 10, 2018

We need help staffing the free raffle tables, the Christmas Boutique, selling calendars and helping with Vendor drop off on Saturday morning.
Our Crafters have been busy all year quilting, knitting and crafting. Donations of handmade goods are always welcome. Craft items may be given to Phyllis Harris or dropped off the day of the fair.  Please include a suggested price with your craft donation.
We also need jams, jellies, pickles, cookie mixes or soups in a jar or other similar items for the General Store section of the Craft Table.
Lore Cody will be chairing the White Elephant. Please see Lore for the drop off information for all your treasures. 

Sally Gamble and Linda Hidler will again be chairing the Bake Table.  Please contact them if you are planning to bake for the fair. 
Ken Bouffard, Ray Lemieux, Chuck Orphanos and Bill Graves will again man the kitchen. Check with them if you plan to help.
Please support our Quilt Raffle by purchasing a book or an envelope of tickets. Tickets may be purchased from Phyllis Harris.  

The Silent Auction Room needs your help! Can you make a themed basket? Or, if you're not feeling very creative, just purchase themed items and our team will design the basket. Hits in the past have been nip baskets/stockings, chocolate fantasy, dog, cat or bird-themed baskets. Please let Barbara Coleman, Cindy Taplin or Jan Griffin know if you plan to donate to the Silent Auction. 

 If you are willing to help, or if you have any questions, please see Barbara French or Carol Bouffard, or use the signup sheet in the parish hall. Thank you in advance for your support.

Let’s make this the best fair ever!!!
"Earn Your Wings" Pet Food and Supplies Drive Continues to Rack Up the Numbers
Since the Perfect Paws Pet Ministry first began its pet food and supplies drive for the Danvers People to People Food Pantry, we've delivered nearly 3 tons of dog and cat food - and that's not counting the 2182 pet food cans we've collected and dropped off, or the crates, harnesses, leashes, toys and pet clothes we've gathered from donations.

For 2018, the grand total collected thus far is:
Dog food:  166 bags totaling 1,508.5 pounds, and 565 cans of wet food
Cat food:  71 bags totaling 458 pounds, and 987 cans of wet food
Total:  1,966.5 pounds and 1,552 cans of wet food!

Numerous bags of cat and dog treats, toys, costumes and sweaters were also in our "take" for this year.  Thank you to all who contribute to help Food Pantry clients stretch their dollars so they can better care for their beloved animal companions.  Special thanks to Advisory Board members Lynda and Jimmy Juppe, who oversee and generously support the program with their own contributions, and to Ad Board member Carole McLaughlin, who serves as the Perfect Paws liaison to Danvers' PetLife, from which she collects monthly food donations.  A special tip of the hat to Ad Board member Ray Lemieux for collecting and carting the pet bounty for delivery.
If you'd like to contribute much needed pet food and supplies to the Danvers Food Pantry, you can drop it off in the blue collection bin in the Parish Hall, or you can send a donation by check, restricted to the purchase of pet supplies (please make it out to All Saints North Shore, with "Perfect Paws Earn Your Wings" in the memo line).  You can even donate online, through our Paypal account, making the same designation.  Thank you!
Children’s Foster Care Program
All Saints, with the close guidance of Carla King, assists with the local Foster Care program’s annual Holiday Party every year! It is such a festive way to start the holiday season, and warms your heart better than hot chocolate! The week following Thanksgiving, parishioners gather in the Parish Hall to wrap hundreds of gifts that Carla and her elves have gathered. She provides all the wrapping paper, tape, and scissors, and we provide the laughter, talent, and love! Although it looks daunting when one first sees the piles and piles of gifts waiting for that special touch, it’s really pretty well organized, and before you know it, it’s done! The day of the party, parishioners gladly donate fruit, treats, and beverages to be delivered for hundreds of excited children! The wrapping party date is still being worked out; however the day of the party itself is December 1st. If you are interested in wrapping or donating goodies, please contact Leslie Blake or visit the ministries table following the service on Sunday, October 28th. Consider joining us and putting the true meaning of the season in your heart!
Hayley’s Hope Foundation
Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow
Hayley’s Hope Foundation was founded by parishioner Leslie Blake’s family when her beloved niece died by suicide at the age of 16. Since 2011, their mission is to bring awareness to the community about the signs of suicide and provide intervention, education, and resource information for help to families and those that are feeling suicidal. They will travel and speak with schools, parenting groups, church groups, youth programs, etc., and present their story, how it’s affected their lives, and help families and friends recognize potential signs. More importantly, they are available to speak with those who are currently in distress, and guide them to the proper resources for professional help (they work closely with AFSP, Samaritans, NAMI, etc.). Hayley’s Hope also provides support to those who have lost someone to suicide.

All Saints is honored to support their mission by being the host site at the annual “Survivor of a Suicide Loss Day”, held the Saturday before Thanksgiving each year (this year will be Novenber 17, 2018). This is a morning-long gathering, designed for those who have experienced a suicide loss, whether recently or years ago. Sponsored by AFSP, it is a day of comfort, solidarity, and healing.

For more information about Hayley’s Hope or Survivor Day, please visit the ministries table in the parish hall on Sunday, October 28th, or contact Leslie Blake at
From The Danvers People to People Food Pantry
The Danvers People to People Food Pantry is requesting $15 grocery store gift card donations (Market Basket, Stop & Shop, Shaws) this Thanksgiving and Christmas. Last year, the generosity of this community over-stuffed our refrigerators, and we had  trouble storing so many turkeys. Of course, all other food donations are welcome at any time.  We hope that you continue to give, and that a gift card will make the giving easier for all of us to help put a turkey on the table for those in need.
Lectionary-Based Bible Study: Wednesdays from 10 am - 11:15 am
If you are interested in learning more about what scripture we hear in church each Sunday, JOIN US!! We will read the appointed scripture for the following Sunday and learn about the background of the writers, the context of the writing and the message for us today. 
This year's annual Diocesan Convention promises celebration in addition to the usual legislative business as it gets set to consider the admission of two new mission congregations, and also marks the 30th anniversary of the historic election of the first woman to become a bishop in the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The convention takes place November 3 at the Cape Cod Resort and Conference Center in Hyannis. A live webcast of  the November 3 proceedings is planned via The event hashtag for those participating via social media is #DioMassCon18.

 The Rt. Rev. Barbara C. Harris, whose election as bishop suffragan in September 1988 in the Diocese of Massachusetts will celebrate with convention the 30th anniversary of her consecration.

Under the theme "One Body in Christ," the convention program will include the launch of Massachusetts Indaba 2019 -- a diocesan mission strategy initiative aimed at building relationships among congregations across the diocese through purposeful conversation and encounters.  

A variety of social justice concerns will come before the convention, ranging from the church's response to the opioid crisis, immigrant justice and support for gender identity anti-discrimination law in Massachusetts, to church use of fair trade coffee, and a commitment to creation care through tree planting.

The convention will vote on the $8.8-million diocesan budget proposed for 2019, among other business. Clergy and lay delegates -- two from each congregation -- convene annually for Diocesan Convention, the diocese's primary governing body.  

The delegates from All Saints are Leah Olendzenski and Sandi Drover.  Please keep us in your prayers as we travel to the Cape to meet with our Diocese on November 3.  Marya+
Be a Special Guest Parishioner!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to share your love of Jesus, and how God has touched your life, with the next generation!  Guests are scheduled for the second Sunday of  most months throughout the church school year.  Rev. Jim will select a story for you to share with the children, as well as prepare a simple hands-on craft activity to reinforce the day's lesson (you are certainly welcome to prepare your own story and craft if you choose to - we just want to make this experience as stress-free and enjoyable as possible!).

Available dates for this school year are February 10, 2019; March 10, 2019; and May 12, 2019.

Please contact Rev. Jim, Leslie Blake or the Parish Office if you are interested, or for more information.
There is a sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall for Coffee Hour hosting.  
Contact Jan Briggs if you have any questions.
Copyright © *2018* *All Saints North Shore, Danvers*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

46 Cherry Street, Danvers, MA 01923

The Rev. Marya DeCarlen, Rector
Michelle Behling, Parish Administrator and Editor

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