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Today's Dose of Smile-Therapy


Have you seen this Worry Study? ( with good tip at the end) 

(thanks to the book ‘What They Know About You,’  Asbell and Wynn)
Back in the early 90’s a study was done on the top 10 reasons middle aged people worry. Here is the list:
1)Concern about weight
2)Health of a family member
3)Rising prices
4)House maintenance
5)Too much to do
6)Misplacing or losing things
7)Outside or yard maintenance
8)Property, investments, and taxes
10)Physical appearance
How many of these do you find yourself worrying about? Yet interestingly enough, none of these are a huge problem. It’s true you don’t get ulcers from what you eat, you get ulcers from what’s eating you.
The authors asked a woman who was facing one truly large problems: "Can you just get through today?” It seemed there was no other course of action for this lady. Anything more seemed overwhelming.  She said, “I always take just one day at a time. And sometimes I take one hour at a time, And sometimes  just  a minute at a time.“

If worry and anxiety are getting the best of you, first take steps to manage the problem, fix the issue or even get rid of it. Then, you need only look ahead to the end of the day. Can you get through this day? This hour? If so that may be enough. 

T.A. Smith, Creator/CEO • 315.672.3590
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