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Shlishi with Rashi

We learned before that Yitzchak moved to Gerar because of the hunger, and had a lot of hatzlacha with his fields! Today we learn about how Yitzchak dug wells.

Yitzchak became very rich from all the grain that grew! He also had a lot of animals and owned businesses, and the Pelishtim became jealous of him. They filled up all of the wells that had been dug for Avraham with dirt, because they said that if enemies came, they would use those wells to have water to drink, and be able to fight against them.

Avimelech, the king of Gerar, told Yitzchak to move away from them because he was too strong. Yitzchak moved away to the Gerar Valley. Before he left, he dug up Avraham’s wells and took out the dirt the Pelishtim put in, and gave them back the old names that Avraham his father called them. Then Yitzchak’s servants dug new wells in the Gerar Valley, and found water there!

The shepherds of Gerar got into an argument with Yitzchak’s servants. They said “WE use this place to feed our sheep, so the water is ours!” Yitzchak called the well Esek (“fighting”) because they fought with him.

Yitzchak’s servants dug another well, but the Pelishti shepherds got into a fight again, so Yitzchak called it Sitnah (“bothering”).

Yitzchak moved on and dug another well, and this time they didn’t fight with him over it! Yitzchak called this well Rechovos (“wide open spaces”), saying that now there is room for us to grow!

Chassidus teaches us that our neshama has certain midos that we get from the Avos. We learn how to use these midos properly from the stories about the Avos in the Torah! We get chesed from Avraham Avinu, and we learn how to use our chesed from the stories in the Torah about Avraham’s Hachnosas Orchim. From Yitzchak Avinu we get gevurah, being strict and working on making ourselves better, to do what we are supposed to. We learn how to use our gevurah from the way Yitzchak dug wells! Digging wells is hard work — digging through hard dirt and stones to find the water deep underground. And for Yitzchak, there were also other people bothering him and trying to ruin the wells he dug! Still, Yitzchak kept trying, and in the end had hatzlacha. We learn from this to work hard and keep trying, even if something is hard. In the end we will have hatzlacha, like Yitzchak Avinu!



135 - 139

Today’s shiur Tehillim is Kuf-Lamed-Hey to Kuf-Lamed-Tes.

Kapitel Kuf-Lamed-Tes is a very special kapitel. It teaches a person how to serve Hashem — there is no other kapitel that does this in such a special way!

One of the things that Dovid Hamelech says is about how Hashem created Adam HaRishon. Adam HaRishon says: “Achor VaKedem Tzartani” — “You created me last and first.”

What does that mean? How can Adam be created last AND first at the same time?!

The answer is that you can have two opposite things together if they are for different reasons! Adam Harishon is last in one way, but first in another way:

The Alter Rebbe explains in Likutei Torah that “Achor” (last) means that he is created on the LAST day of Creation, and he is the lowest madreigah, because he can do an aveira — going AGAINST what Hashem wants. Only a person has free choice and can do an aveira — so he’s like the LAST, the lowest thing.

But he is FIRST because he has a neshama, and nothing else that Hashem made has a neshama like a person does! And even his Guf is very special, too.

So that’s how Adam Harishon can be FIRST AND LAST at the same time!

Every Yid, just like Adam Harishon, has the choice to be the first or last in Creation with the choices that he makes.



Kuntres Acharon

In today’s Tanya, the Alter Rebbe explains something written in a very deep Kabbalah sefer called Eitz Chayim, about what happens when we do mitzvos with Gashmius.

We want Hashem to bring the Shechina into the world, so we need to make Hashem want it to be here! When we do mitzvos using things from the world (Gashmius), it makes Hashem want to be with us in the world. This is called “Yichud Kudsha Brich Hu Ushechintei.” We learned about it in Perek Mem-Alef in the first section of Tanya, and here the Alter Rebbe explains why it is important to do mitzvos in Gashmius in order to make this happen.

Since the Yetzer Hara deals with the Gashmiyus, we need to make sure that our mitzvos take over first and make it holy so the Yetzer Hara can’t take any part!

Our mitzvos are like someone cutting thorns from a vineyard (where grapes grow), so the thorns can’t scratch the grapes. That’s how mitzvos work — they cut out the Yetzer Hara from the Gashmiyus and only allow the mitzvos themselves to make the Gashmiyus holy! When we do this job, it makes Hashem want to be together with the Shechinah, and to be with us in the world.

Only tzadikim have the special koach to bring the Shechina into the world even without using Gashmius, just by thinking about kedusha!



Chof-Ches Mar-Cheshvan

Every single little thing that happens to anything Hashem created, no matter what it is, gets its chayus to be that way through Hashem’s Hashgacha Protis.

And that’s not all! Not only does every little thing happen only because of Hashem’s Hashgacha Protis, but every single thing that happens is part of Hashem’s whole plan in creating the world! Only when all of these things happen together, is Hashem’s kavana in creating the world complete!

That is an incredible thing! We should think to ourselves: Even a little LEAF blowing from one place to another is with Hashgacha Protis, and part of Hashem’s whole plan for the world! If that’s how it is even with a leaf, of course it must be true of a person, and certainly of a Yid, Hashem’s special nation — that every thing that happens is because of Hashem’s Hashgacha Protis, and is important for Hashem’s whole plan in creating the world!



Mitzvas Asei #59

Today’s mitzvah is the same as yesterday’s (Mitzvas Asei #59) to blow trumpets at certain times. We blow them when we bring the special korbanos of Yom Tov, a happy time. We also blow them in a sad time — when we are davening to Hashem because hard things are happening. They can remind us that it’s from Hashem, and we have to do teshuvah.



Hilchos Taaniyos

Today’s Rambam, perakim Beis, Gimmel and Daled, talks about many not good things that can happen to Yidden.

When certain types of things happen, like if rain doesn’t fall, the Chachomim ask all of the Yidden to fast and to teshuvah, so Hashem will have rachmonus on us and stop them from happening.

Even though nowadays we don’t do most of the fasts the Rambam speaks about, we still have to do teshuvah if we see something not good happen. We should try to find something special that we can do help the bad thing go away and to bring the Geulah faster!



Hilchos Maaser Sheini VeNeta Reva'i - Perek Beis

In today’s Rambam, we learn more about Maaser Sheini.

Maaser Sheini is specifically eaten in Yerushalayim. Once it is brought into Yerushalayim, we are not allowed to take it out, or trade it for money or other food (unless it became tamei).



Everyone Needs to Learn

When a chossid went into yechidus, he would usually bring a note, a tzetl. The Rebbe would take the tzetl and read through it, answering the questions inside.

But one bochur’s yechidus was a little different!

This bochur brought his tzetl with him as usual, and gave it to the Rebbe.

But even before the Rebbe opened the tzetl, he looked up at the bochur.

The Rebbe told him, whatever you become — whether you become a Rav, an Osek Betzorchei Tzibur, or a shliach — you need to be able to learn well, Niglah and Chassidus!

Only after telling him this did the Rebbe open the bochur’s note.


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It is written in the name of the Baal Shem Tov that a person should daven to Hashem to ask that his bitachon in Hashem should be strong.

Bitachon is very important, because when a Yid has proper bitachon, it is a keili to bring down only good things!

See Keser Shem Tov siman Kuf-Yud-Gimmel



Ahavas Yisroel in Halacha

The mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel, to love your fellow Jew as yourself, and do everything for him as much as you would do everything for yourself, is kept when we do many other mitzvos. For example, Bikur Cholim, we visit someone else when he is sick, just like we would want others to care about us when we are sick.

Besides for all of those other mitzvos, “Ve’ahavta Le’reiacha Kamocha” is also a mitzvah for itself. It is described in Shulchan Aruch with two general things to be careful with:

1) Care about every other Yid’s kavod, just like you care about your own.
2) Care about every other Yid’s money, just like you care about your own.

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman Kuf-Nun-Vov se’if Hey

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Achdus Before Geulah

When the Yidden camped around Har Sinai to get the Torah, they camped like one person, with one heart — “Ke’ish Echad, BeLeiv Echad.”

We learned in Tanya that Matan Torah was a taste of the way it will be in the times of the Geulah!

The Rambam tells that we will also have this kind of Achdus before Moshiach comes. One of the jobs of Moshiach is “Veyisaken Es Ha’olam Kulo Laavod Es Hashem Beyachad” — to make the whole world ready to serve Hashem TOGETHER!

Just as we got the Torah with true Achdus, we will have the Geulah with true Achdus!

See Migolah L’Geulah p. 312

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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