Deagon Ward E-News
November 2018
Christmas is just around the corner now, but there is still plenty to do before the year is out.
October was a very busy month, with community events right across the Deagon Ward at schools, community groups and out in the community.
I have had the pleasure of celebrating the success of students at our local school awards nights at Bracken Ridge High, Sandgate High and St Pats over the last few weeks. These students and their families have a lot to be proud of.
There is some great environmental work going on around the community at the moment with events like the RAMSAR Anniversary Planting at Dowse Lagoon, new duck signs at Einbunpin Lagoon or the Cabbage Tree Creek clean up this weekend. While we are very lucky to have some amazing natural areas like our lagoons, Moreton Bay and the creek, it's important that they are managed and protected and the community is playing a significant role in doing that in our community.
Keep an eye out on my Facebook page to keep up to date with local news and events.
If you are part of a local community group and want me to feature an upcoming event in my e-news please contact my office to arrange this.
Jared Cassidy