Hello and welcome to the TCC Weekly – the Friday bulletin for people who know their Preston Model from their Ordinary Boys' Preston.
This is one of our shorter Weeklies, but as usual it wouldn’t be a Friday without our offering to the Values Modes segmentation fans out there.
This week our Values Lab looks at false advertising. The full TCC Weekly bulletin will be back next Friday, and will be literally the best thing you have ever experienced. 😉
David Evans
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The Values Lab is based on the Values Modes segmentation tool – created by Cultural Dynamics and used by TCC – which divides the population into ethics-driven Pioneers, aspirational Prospectors, and threat-wary Settlers. Take the test here to see which you are.
Values and advertising
The Good Thinking charity, a non-profit who campaign against pseudo-science, this week filed a complaint to Trading Standards against Gwyneth Paltrow’s wellness brand Goop. They accused Goop of no less than 113 examples of misleading advertising. In light of the news, we thought we’d put the issue of false advertising in the Values Lab.
Agree or strongly agree that… Pioneers Prospectors Settlers
“I feel that few products live up to the claims of the advertisers. I think that products don’t last as long as they used to.” 25.3% 30.3% 37.3%
The findings are interesting, suggesting that Settlers are by far the most likely to agree. In many ways, this is unsurprising: Settlers are nostalgic, change averse and suspicious of institutions (including big business). They’re more likely to be sceptical, or to feel swindled when it comes to value for money. They’d probably be the most likely to feel Goop was taking them for a rise with its claims about wellness.
What’s most interesting is that Pioneers are least likely to feel this way. This is in spite of many Pioneers – especially ‘Concerned Ethicals’ – being sceptical of big business and marketing gimmicks. Yet Pioneers are also an optimistic grouping by nature, and perhaps their lack of agreement with the sentiment is more to do with its implications about change and decline. It would be interesting to change the second part (“I think that products don’t last as long as they used to”) and see if that changed the result…
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