
Underwater Photo Gear

Christmas/Summer hours.

Sea Tech will be closing for Christmas/Summer on Monday 24th December and opening again on Wednesday 16th. If you have an urgent need in this time you will be able to contact us via email, but it's really best to get in touch with us in November to make sure you can get what you need in time for Christmas or your summer diving needs!

Especially if you want a housing before Christmas, contact us now! Don't wait until December because we can't guarantee we can get what you need in time that close to the date. We recommend that you get your orders for larger gear in by the end of November at the latest to make sure you get everything in time.

Oh - and one last thing - every summer people say to us that they wished they'd gotten a spare battery for their lights or strobes before their holiday, so get one now and save yourself from the shoulda coulda wouldas!

Free book with any purchase*

*over $30 from now until 24th December 2018

Anything you buy over $30 (not including postage) will get you a free copy of the excellent and informative book Underwater Ear & Nose Care by Noel Roydhouse. Give it to someone or keep it for yourself - it'll be our little secret!


Easy Christmas Gifts for underwater photographers.

We know that lots of you would probably love it if your family or friends splashed out (sorry, no pun intended) on some fancy gear for you at Christmas time, but the fact is that underwater photography gear can get pretty confusing pretty fast. To help you and your loved ones out, we've created a page of Easy Christmas Gifts that are probably pretty safe for most people's systems, so your family can shop away to their heart's content. And if they accidentally get you something you already have, or that doesn't work for you, we can help you with that too.

Feel free to send 'em our way and we can help 'em out. (And remember, we keep records of your purchases with us, so if they let us know who they're buying for, we can steer them in the right direction towards new stuff that will work with your existing gear.)

Shades of Colour Photo Comp.

Want to show off your snaps to a crowd of others who know exactly how tricky that shot was? Get into our underwater photography competition, Shades of Colour! We love seeing your images - keeps us inspired! You can win Sea Tech vouchers and get published in Dive Pacific magazine!

You can find info about entering here. Just make sure to send us large files - we need 300dpi for printing in the magazine! Old galleries of photos are here - check 'em out, there're some stunners.

Or just send us some pictures now! The next comp closes in just a week!

Issue 166 Oct/Nov winners.

Clockwise from Top Left: Advanced Winner: Simone Matucci, ‘Freedive in Blue Maomao Arch’; Advanced Runner Up: Mark Blomfield, ‘Moray Eel’; Novice Winner: Mike Johnston, ‘Triplefin on Sponge’; Novice Runner Up: Dan Westerkamp, ‘Winter Turtle'.
Above images cropped - see originals and other entries here.
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