
Better Health News

Reliable information, clinic updates and general tips for people who see better health as a possibility for them

October  2018

Teeth talk
Greetings from the Green World 

Some updates for you in regards to my practice. From the next issue this newsletter will be renamed to 'The Sunday Herbalist'. I Intend to be practicing from the Hierophant in Griffith ACT. The Hierophant and myself go back along way so I am very pleased to be based there. I will be practicing one day per week initially hence the name Sunday Herbalist.

Also my qualification has turned up - The advanced Diploma in Western Herbal Medicine. - Hooray !!!!!!

Your Teeth

The condition of your your teeth pretty much reflect your general health. Basic actions taken daily such as brushing and flossing greatly improve tooth and gum health. 
Here are a few signs that all is not well inside your mouth
  • Receding gums
  • Painful teeth to hot and cold temperatures
  • Blood on the tooth brush or in your rinse out
  • Bad Breath
  • loose teeth
  • Missing teeth
What happens is that if anything is infected in your mouth or the bacterial population is unbalanced this all gets directly transported around your body by the bloodstream.


We have already talked about the sweet stuff within two hours of sleep - you have sorted that out haven't you?
Next is the boring stuff such as brushing your teeth twice per day minimum after Breakfast and Dinner. If your teeth are in a very bad way then its three times per day.

Well to improve things you can floss as well each of these times. A fiddly process yes but it removes a lot of material the bacteria like to eat.

Want to go further - Well your mouth rinse water can help out a lot as well. Putting chips of oak bark in the water will add tannin to tone gum tissue plus minerals your teeth like. Make sure it is oak bark ( you can order from herbal supply shops).

Want to go even further than that! - OK Now we know you are a serious player. Add the Schuessler Tissue salts to your rinse water. Choose - Calcium phosphate (Calc Phos) and Calcium Fluoride (Calc Flour) tablets.  One tablet in the glass of water of each will do. easily available at your local health food store or Chemist.

The magic here is in the repetitive habitual doing of these things day in and day out.

Yours in better Heath

Christopher Smith
Your ACTION STEPS this month 
Brush your teeth 2 X a day - Floss - Dope up your rinse water
Listen to what your Dentist advises you.
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