
Utah Beer News | November 2018

Giving Thanks.

Tim Haran | Utah Beer NewsTomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States. It's a time when friends and families gather together to feast on turkey and football. 

Ideally, we also pause to express gratitude and reflect on the gifts in our life.

Whatever your Thanksgiving traditions entail, here's to safe travels, delicious food, and perhaps a good beer or two. 🍻


Speaking of beer, over the weekend Utah Beer News celebrated six months of bringing you stories of brews, brewers, breweries, and everyday imbibers (here's more about how it all started).

In that time, our community's grown to encompass hundreds of craft beer enthusiasts in Utah and elsewhere. We look forward to sharing stories for many months (and years) to come.

We obviously couldn't do what we do without each of you. In this season of expressing gratitude, I'd personally like to thank you for reading our articles, following along on social media, and subscribing to this monthly newsletter.

It's fun connecting with fellow beer lovers on social media, but it's even better meeting over a pint. If you happen to see me out and about, please say hi and I'll gladly buy you a beer.

As always, if you have comments, questions, critiques, or story ideas, please let me know.


As a small token of my appreciation, I'd like to give away a beer-themed book perfect for your own holiday reading or re-gifting. Please scroll to the bottom of this newsletter for complete details.


As I write, I’m sipping a Tastes Like Citrus from 2 Row Brewing. And on Thanksgiving Day, I'm planning to crack open a Secale, a Bavarian style doppelbock brewed by Red Rock. How about you?

Thanks again for reading this month's dispatch.



Utah Holiday Beers: 7 Brews for the Season

Utah Holiday Beers - Utah Beer News
'Tis the season for Utah Holiday Beers that are activities unto themselves. With their layers of flavors and copious amounts of alcohol, they are here to be sipped, savored, and discussed. They pair well with a fire, a blanket, and some friends huddled inside to avoid the cold.

BONUS: Astute readers will notice only six beers are discussed in the above article. That's because we saved one especially for our Holiday Beers podcast episode. Listen to Dave and Tim pontificate about boozy beers that warm you from the inside.
7 Beers for the Season

T.F. Brewing: Familiar Face, New Place

Kevin Templin of T.F. Brewing - Utah Beer News
Salt Lake's craft beer family is welcoming its newest member with open arms. But Kevin Templin — T.F. = Templin Family — isn’t exactly a newcomer to the Utah craft beer scene. For more than 20 years, he brewed award-winning beers for other breweries. Now it's time to put his name front and center.
Step Inside T.F. Brewing

The Flying Bassoonist: Get to Know Ryan Van Liere

The Flying Bassoonist - Utah Beer News
Learn how Ryan Van Liere — The Flying Bassoonist — got into craft beer, how a not-so-common instrument paid for his grad school in Scotland, and where his fascination with airplanes and flying originated. Plus, he gives his picks for local craft beers perfect for the colder days ahead.

BONUS: Listen to the full interview with Ryan. In it, we dive into more detail on The Flying Bassoonist’s many interests, as well as talk about his experience at The Great American Beer Festival.
Get to Know Ryan

Beer News & Notes

Here are a few beer-y stories that have caught my eye over the last few weeks:
  • Several interesting notes about pilgrims, beer, and Thanksgiving, from Fermentarium
  • How fresh is your beer? The Crafty Beer Girls decode date stamps on cans and bottles. Fascinating article!
  • New testing requirement to ensure beers sold in grocery and convenience stores don't exceed 4% ABV (3.2% ABW), according to The Salt Lake Tribune.  
  • Best beer books to buy this fall, according to Hop Culture.

Beer News for Your Ears

The Utah Beer News podcast provides another avenue for us to tell stories about the Utah beer community. We'd love for you to subscribe, take a listen, and let us know what you think!


Each week, Utah Beer News shares its thoughts on a particularly tasty beer. Even more, the Tastings posts deliver a snapshot of the brewery behind the beer. We're trying to make a stop at each Utah brewery. Who knows where we'll end up or what beer we'll try next!

Thank You! / Beer Book Giveaway!

Thank you again for subscribing and please let your beer-loving friends know about us (we're also on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter).

Now for the giveaway...

Drink Beer, Think BeerI recently finished reading Drink Beer, Think Beer: Getting to the Bottom of Every Pint by John Holl, a longtime journalist and senior editor of Craft Beer & Brewing magazine. I enjoyed the book quite a bit (read my thoughts here). 

I bought two more to give away to fellow craft beer enthusiasts (and Utah Beer News subscribers).

If you'd like one, here's what to do:
  1. Like Utah Beer News on Facebook (if you already do, thank you!)
  2. Send me an email by Nov. 27, 2018 letting me know you've liked Utah Beer News on Facebook (and just to say hi).
  3. Optional: If you like what you've read, forward this newsletter to a couple beer-loving friends and suggest they subscribe.
Two (2) names will be randomly selected from eligible entries and will receive a copy of Drink Beer, Think Beer. I'll announce the lucky recipients on Utah Beer News social media in early December.

I hope everyone has a festive Thanksgiving! As always, if you have comments, questions, critiques, or a story idea for Utah Beer News, please drop a line.
Copyright © 2018 Utah Beer News | Tim Haran Digital LLC, All rights reserved.

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