With winter's arrival a bit earlier this year it's a good time to remember to be kind to your delivery driver. Please have sidewalks, entryways and unloading areas clear of snow. Did you know that pallet jacks don't operate in snow or ice? Also, keep in mind that weather and road conditions may delay delivery times.
SHH Food Partner Conference welcomed over 155 agency partner attendees who participated in breakouts and lively discussion in September. Check out an evaluation of the day and click here for agency questions and below for answers from Thierry Ibri, SHH's chief operations and programs officer.
Thank you to everyone who shared client intake practices through the recent survey of food shelves and mobile pantries. We learned a significant amount about how you are conducting intake and managing data that will help guide our thinking on how to provide support in this area of work
Food as medicine: SHH continues to expand work with health care organizations with the FoodRX program. Launched in 2016, the program has expanded work to five healthcare systems and provides both disease-specific and culturally appropriate boxes of food prescribed by medical professionals.
There are additional Food Rescue Drops available around the holidays to help take advantage of the abundance of donations from retailers. We anticipate having an excess of food available December 26-28 as stores are clearing out holiday themed products and looking to refresh for the new year. Contact your Account Specialist if interested.
Be a Banner Agency! Submit a photo of your program and we'll feature it in the YARN banner above. You may also include a one sentence fun fact or statistic about your program. Send pictures or questions to your Account Specialist or agencies@2harvest.org.
Pictured above are the produce shelves at 360 Communities Rosemount Family Resource Center. This year this location served an average of 213 households a month. 360 Communities runs a variety of programs, including five food shelves, domestic violence shelters, resource centers and school success initiatives.
Important Dates & Reminders
Agency Orientation Every other month. Train new staff, volunteers or board members.
Giving Tuesday Nov 27 Kick off holiday giving campaigns!