November 2018: Lessons from #OGPAsiaPac
On November 5 and 6, reformers in government and civil society leaders from Asia and the Pacific met in Seoul, South Korea for this year’s OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting, an opportunity to tackle open government issues and discover more ways to make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable. In this issue, we take a look at some of the biggest lessons out of #OGPAsiaPac, from citizen feedback to the power of youth. 

In this issue:
Understanding the importance of providing citizen feedback
Making open government truly inclusive: The case for more youth-led solutions
Putting citizen feedback in practice
The unsung heroes of open government: what goes on behind the scenes. 

Plus news from around the world of open gov, jobs, and more

Why Bother? The Motivation Question in Citizen Feedback

By Derek Thorne, Integrity Action

Citizens can help governments deliver public services and other open government commitments more efficiently through their feedback. But why should we go out of our way to provide it? Derek Thorne shares some lessons he learned from one of the sessions at #OGPAsiaPac to answer this question here

We are now accepting research proposals to deepen evidence around a gender-centric approach to open government initiatives. Learn more here.

OGP in the news! If you couldn't join us for this year's OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting, here's a quick news clip from the event. 

Youth-Led Solutions for Open Government: An Intergenerational Dialogue

By Hercules Jim, Consultative, Implementation & Monitoring Council

Around the world, young people have been historically excluded from government processes despite their growing interest in engaging their communities and active political life. Hercules Jim from Papua New Guinea shares his experience ensuring young people like him have a say in processes that directly impact their lives. Read more here


"Advancing open government initiatives is the only way to put into reality that government is truly that of the people. It is an acknowledgement that government alone cannot transform societies and communities. Therefore, it needs everybody to be engaged. Nowadays, people see government as a means to solve their problems. Government will be an effective tool of the citizenry if they play an active role in looking for sustainable solutions to ensure that development is deep, substantive and inclusive."

Daisy Fuentes
Governor of South Cotabato, Philippines

OGP needs your help in shaping the agenda of the 6th OGP Global Summit, hosted by the Government of Canada. Complete this survey before November 28 to help ensure the Summit’s agenda will meet the needs and interests of the OGP community. 

Citizen Feedback in Practice

By Aida Maria Ayaso-Talavera, Supreme Audit Institution of the Philippines

How has citizen feedback helped government in Asia and the Pacific deliver on OGP commitments? Aida Ayaso-Talavera recounts experiences from all over the region - from Armenia to Mongolia -  about the importance of listening to citizens and closing the feedback loop


Delia Ferreira
Chair, Transparency International

What does open government mean to you?

It means acknowledging that we can no longer make decisions apart from the citizenry. Citizens must be listened to and invited to participate. For that, we need information. This needs to be highlighted. I recently read that certain parliaments were meeting with robots and people were fascinated by that. I would like to tell public officials: before meeting with robots, meet with your citizens.

Read the full interview with Delia here.

Champions for Champions: Behind the Scenes of Making Open Government Work

By Marianne Fabian, Government of the Philippines

It is no surprise that opening governments everywhere is challenging, to say the least. Marianne Fabian from the Philippines tells us how the work of people like her has helped advance open government in the region. But what exactly have reformers in government and civil society leaders done to strengthen the community? Find out more here. 

Employment Opportunities

Program Officer - Thematic Priorities
OGP is looking to hire a Program Officer, Thematic Engagement who will support the cross-team efforts to mobilize coalitions, strengthen partnerships, provide knowledge resources and technical support to OGP governments, civil society and other stakeholders who leverage OGP to advance reforms in priority thematic sectors.

Call for IRM National Researchers
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the national and local level in a variety of localities to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans.


Apply now: Help us build the evidence around gender, transparency, accountability, & participation. 

Make sure to complete this survey to shape the agenda of the 6th OGP Global Summit in Ottawa, Canada in 2019. 

How have OGP commitments fared? Read more about the early results of new OGP commitments in our latest publication here

At #OGPAsiaPac, OGP CEO Sanjay Pradhan called on members of the open gov community to empower citizens and create stronger coalitions of reformers in government and civil society to reinvigorate democracy. Watch his remarks here

Did you miss #OGPAsiaPac? Check out some photographs from the OGP Regional Meeting here



Share your story with OECD! Whether you are in government, civil society or the private sector - tell us how you address challenges in your community through innovative #OpenGov practices.

Participate in Transparency International’s 2018 Future Against Corruption contest and make sure to pick your top three candidates.

Mayors and local leaders from over 20 cities met in Buenos Aires for U20 last month. Read some of the highlights here

OGP attended the Paris Peace Forum, advancing open government initiatives to strengthen peace around the world. Here are some highlights as told by students of SciencesPo who attended the event. 

CODE is currently recruiting for a full-time Project Manager for their Roundtable Program, starting in January 2019. Learn more here


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