Hello <<First Name>> - It's time for another update from the Mass Street crew!
November 2018 NEWS
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The November news is full of announcements including our Black Friday deals, our new Plek Machine, new Bourgeois Guitars, our Customer Appreciation Party and of course, Staff Picks!

Meet the Plek

Meet the latest, most accurate tool we've ever had in the shop, the Plek Machine. Click through to read what it means for you and your instruments!

November 2018 - Staff Picks

Staff Picks
We're back with the November Staff Picks bringing some Mass Street favorites including a relic'd Anderson, Jim's favorite slope-shouldered Collings, OME, V-Class, Waterloo and more! Check out all the Mass Street STAFF PICKS.
Customer Appreciation Party

We're having a party - and you're invited! Tuesday, Dec 11th we'll be staying open late to celebrate another year of Mass Street Music with food, drinks, and some great door prizes. Read up on all the details over on the website.

It's backkkkk! November 23rd, otherwise known as Black Friday, marks the return of our Holiday Sale here at the store, and like last year we're letting in-store and online customers in on the fun. Every purchase of new gear, in store or at, totaling over $100 will earn you a Gift Card worth 10% of your purchase subtotal. More info over on the website.

We've added a trio of new Bourgeois Guitars to our line up of boutique acoustic guitars here at the shop. Stop by and play them all!

Black Friday Pedals

We have select pedal brands on sale for 15% off this week. Head on over to the website and use coupon code 'BlackFridayPedals2018' at checkout.

This relic'd Anderson Icon Classic is insanely good. So much so we had Eric P pull out all the hits when recording this demo. More info on the website.
The video doesn't visually do it justice, but head on over to the website to check out this D1 Traditional. You'd swear it was Adirondack based on the grain pattern, but it definitely has the out of the case responsiveness of Sitka. It certainly made us look twice, and it sounds fantastic.

Humidity levels are dropping and furnaces are kicking on, be sure to check out our 5 tips for keeping your instruments humidified this year.

the latest new gear at Mass Street Music
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