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* Testimony, Don't Widen I-495 Yard Signs*
Nov 15, 2018
NOTE: Tonight's meeting with the West Montgomery County Citizens' Association has been postponed due to the weather.
CABE Gives Testimony at Nov. 14
Joint State Delegation Hearing

Nearly a third of the SRO crowd at last night's Joint Montgomery County State Delegation Hearing came to hold signs and speak out against Governor Hogan's plan to widen I-495 and I-270 for privatized toll lanes.

Citizens Against Beltway Expansion and others criticized the project as a boondoggle that wouldn't relieve congestion, but would threaten homes, communities and the environment.

CABE called on the delegation specifically to assert greater legislative control, give Montgomery and P.G. Counties authority to meaningfully influence the I-495/I-270 Managed Lanes Study and other ''exceptional", and for the state to share with the public the same project information it shares with vendors -- and at the same time. 
Click here for CABE's testimony.

Other speakers who raised objections and/or promoted toll-lane alternatives included the City of Rockville, the Sierra Club (Maryland Chapter), the Village of North Chevy Chase, Woodside Forest Civic Association, the Regents Square Condominium Community, the Sligo Creek Golf Association and 18 individual homeowners.
CABE Yard Signs for Sale
Support CABE

CABE has just received a shipment of new yard signs, which can be ordered for $10. Click here or order from

CABE depends on small donations.  Any amount  -- $5, $10, $25 -- will help fund outreach, flyers, yard signs and popular advocacy for better transportation choices without widening I-495 for Lexus Lanes.
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Citizens Against Beltway Expansion

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