CDTR Members Receive Honors & Distinctions
Congratulations to our CDTR leadership and members who were recently honored for their contributions to research:
- Dr. Denise Wilfley was awarded the 2018 Bar-Or Award for Excellence in Pediatric Obesity Research by the Obesity Society
Stephanie Fitzpatrick, PhD (PI) "Addressing Social Determinants of Health & Diabetes Self-Management in Vulnerable Populations" (R34DK119853)
Sonal Patil, MD, MPH KL2 Career Development Awards Program Scholar at Washington University Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS)
Denise Wilfley, PhD and Stephen Cook, MD, MPH (Dual PI) "A Pragmatic Family-Centered Approach to Childhood Obesity Treatment” (PCORI PCS-2017C2-7542)
Arslanian, S., Bacha, F., Grey, M., Marcus, M. D., White, N. H., & Zeitler, P. (2018). Evaluation and Management of Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes: A Position Statement by the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes care, 41(12), 2648-2668.
Bailey, R.R., Phad, A., McGrath, R., & Haire-Joshu, D. (2018). Prevalence of Five Lifestyle Risk Factors Among US Adults With and Without Stroke. Disability and Health Journal.
Wilfley, D.E., Van Buren, D.J., Balantekin, K.N., Hayes, J.F., Epstein, L.H. Behavioral Interventions for Obesity Across the Lifespan. American Psychologist, 73(8), 981-993.
Morshed, A. B., Tabak, R. G., Schwarz, C. D., & Haire-Joshu, D. (2018). The impact of a healthy weight intervention embedded in a home-visiting program on children's weight and mothers’ feeding practices. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Porter AK, Kohl HW III, Pérez A, Reininger B, Pettee Gabriel K, Salvo D. Perceived Social and Built Environment Correlates of Transportation and Recreation-Only Bicycling Among Adults. Prev Chronic Dis 2018;15:180060.
Brockie, T. N., Elm, J. H., & Walls, M. L. (2018). Examining protective and buffering associations between sociocultural factors and adverse childhood experiences among American Indian adults with type 2 diabetes: a quantitative, community-based participatory research approach. BMJ open, 8(9), e022265.
Tabak, R. G., Strickland, J. R., Stein, R. I., Dart, H., Colditz, G. A., Kirk, B., ... & Evanoff, B. A. (2018). Development of a scalable weight loss intervention for low-income workers through adaptation of interactive obesity treatment approach (iOTA). BMC Public Health, 18(1), 1265
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About the CDTR
The CDTR is committed to supporting researchers working to advance diabetes translation research. CDTR Cores offer a range of support and services around the following:
- Dissemination and Implemention in Diabetes Research
- Health Communication and Health Literacy
- Health Informatics in Diabetes Research
- Policy and Systems Science Analysis
- Research Partnerships with American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
- Solutions to Diabetes in Black Americans
Contact to access core services.
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
Call for Applications: 2019 D&I Proposal Development Bootcamp
8AM-4PM CT February 27th
Taylor Ave Building, WashU Medical Campus
Join the Center for Dissemination & Implementation at the Institute for Public Health for a day of D&I proposal consultations. This event is aimed at WashU investigators interested in advancing a D&I grant proposal, from idea development to proposal. Teams of 2-3 are encouraged to apply. Applications are being accepted now through January 7th at 5 pm. Learn more.
Center for Health Economics & Policy Friday Nighter
4-6 PM CT November 30th
DUC, Goldberg Formal Lounge
Join the Center for Health Economics and Policy for a discussion on timely health policy topics with other faculty, students, staff and elected officials. The event is open to all Washington University students, faculty, and staff. For more information, contact
CHEPAR Meeting
9-11 AM CT December 4th
Taylor Ave Building, Doll & Hill, WashU Medical Campus
As part of the Center for Health Economics and Policy, the Collaborative of Health Economics and Policy Analysis Researchers, or CHEPAR, is a group formed to facilitate research in the areas of health economics and policy by Washington University investigators. No registration necessary. For more information, contact
Call for Papers/Participation: 2019 Race in the Marketplace (RIM) Research Forum
June 25th-27th, 2019
Paris, France
Join RIM for the second biannual Research Forum; the forum will offer a variety of thematic areas and presentation platforms from which participants can interact, including colloquium, poster and thematic sessions. Submissions for (1) Paper/Contributions and (2) Participation intents are due November 30, 2018. Learn more here.
Call for Abstracts: ICTS Symposium
10AM-3PM January 15th, 2019
Eric P. Newman Education Center, WashU Medical Campus
The Washington University Institute of Clinical & Translational Sciences (ICTS) will host a Symposium and Poster Session on January 15, 2019. The symposium will include a keynote address by Dr. Enola Proctor, oral presentations, break out groups, and poster sessions showcasing research projects across the spectrum of implementation science and entrepreneurship. Abstracts are due December 7, 2018; learn more.
Call for Abstracts: 2019 ADA Scientific Sessions
June 7th-11th, 2019
Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
The ADA Scientific Sessions offer researchers and health care professionals an amazing opportunity to share ideas and learn about the significant advances in diabetes research, treatment, and care. Submissions will be accepted until January 7, 2019. Visit the 79th scientific sessions website for more information.
Call for Proposals: NCAI Tribal Leader & Scholar Forum
June 23rd-26th, 2019
Reno, NV
The NCAI's Mid Year Conference provides an opportunity for researchers, practitioners, community members, and others to present their findings to tribal leaders, policymakers, and tribal members. Find guidelines for proposal submission here by January 11, 2019. For more information, contact
Introducing the New CDTR Website
We are pleased to announce the launch of our newly redesigned CDTR website.
With more user-friendly features, the new website allows users to…
For questions and feedback, please contact