The UO Team is happy to announce we will be sending out a newsletter periodically so you can stay up to date on the latest in Britannia!
Please encourage your friends to sign up on our web site.
Producer Notes
Greetings everyone,
It's that time of year where families get together and enjoy each other's company and some really good food. From our family to yours we hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
We are putting the finishing touches on Publish 103 after some great public testing events and anticipate the next update to be on TC1 by Friday November 16, 2018. Following our return from the Thanksgiving Holiday we will continue with our Origin release schedule with an anticipated worldwide release of December 4, 2018.
Publish 103 is full of exciting new features including new rewards for the Artisan Festival, Holiday Gifts, new Classic Client functionality and the new Krampus encounter! Be sure to check out the full publish notes for all the details and head over to TC1 if you haven't already checked it out!
We are also pleased to announce the UO Swag store that allows you to purchase many items to show off your love of Ultima Online. If there is any new art you would like to see available for that favorite shirt or mug, or even a nice canvas picture please send me your suggestions at my regular email.
The votes are in and we are happy to announce the winners of the Keep Design Contest for Publish 103 are as follows,
Robin's Nest by Robin
Traditional Keep by Newcastle Arms
Villa Crowley by Mr. Crowley
Darkthorn Keep by Violet Darkthorn
The Sandalwood Keep by Holly
Casa Maya by Mandrake
Visit TC1 to check out these great designs and look for them in the house placement tool with Publish 103 goes WW!
The following are the accounts that were banned or suspended:
1 - Disruptive Behavior
2 - Solicitations
24 - Macroing
19 - Multiboxing
3 - Abuse of Game Mechanics
See you in Britannia,
Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong
Publish 103 Highlight - Krampus
With all the gifts moving on trade routes between cities during the Holiday Season there have been sightings of strange creatures ambushing those routes - including the vile Krampus! The true nature of this beast is unknown and reports vary wildly, yet great treasures can be had by those who are brave enough to best him!
New weapon type - whips!
New craftables wearables - hats, boots, talons, and earrings!
New titles!
Krampus' Coin Purse - with a chance for one of Krampus' trinkets inside!

We are also pleased to include one of the many stories on the origins of Krampus - this one from Jaana of Yew,
The Winter Satyr
By EM Malachi
The face on the cottage wall was a snarling beast. The mask had the curling horns of a ram and the teeth of a feral wolf. Its fur was mangy, but pale like snow. The small child hid behind the druid when she saw it.
Jaana patted Karelia on the head. “Don't be afraid. It’s just a mask.” She took it down from the wall to help the little girl see it better.
Fear turning to fascination. Karelia patted the fur and poked at the teeth. “What’s it a mask of?”
“People call him the Winter Satyr or Krampus, but not even the druids know what he calls himself. He comes from the deepest forest, a place where no hunter or druid goes.”
“Have you ever seen the Krampus?”
“When I was a little older than you, lumberjacks from Britain came to cut trees for their city. They went deep into the old-growth, hoping to find timber that was rare and valuable. Only one of them managed to make it back, and his story was troubling.
The lumberjacks had ignored our warnings, wastefully slaughtering more animals than they could eat and cutting down young trees to rot. They had even burned down an ancient Birch grove that was in their way. They had angered the forest and the forest’s protector.
A storm had come in the night, and with it, the screams. A horned beast that stood tall on two legs rampaged through the camp. Those who tried to fight him were torn apart. The lone survivor had buried himself in the snow to hide. In the morning, finding no one else alive, he had fled back to Yew.
All of Yew stood watch that night with torches and bows. We caught glimpses of Krampus in the darkness, his winter fur still matted with dried blood. Warning arrows kept him from attacking the settlement, but no hunter could wander alone the rest of that winter.”
Karelia thought for a moment before asking, “Is the Krampus still out there?
“I don't know. It was many years ago. The old woods hold many dangers, and there will always be conflict when human encroach on places so wild. But do not worry. Yew will always be safe. Now, let’s talk about happier things. I have a Yule present for you.”
Jaana handed the little girl a brightly wrapped package, which was promptly torn open. The child clapped in glee at the pixie mask carved from silverleaf. Jaana helped her put it on, and Karelia danced around the cottage, singing:
“Wassaile the trees, that they may bear
You many a Plum and many a Pear.
For more or less fruit they will bring,
As you do give them Wassailing.”
Jaana smiled. “A perfect Wassaile princess! Shall we head over to the orchard?”
As Karelia put on her cloak, Jaana put the Satyr mask back on the wall, next to a bow and quiver. “Krampus, I hope you stay away from Yew this winter.”
Question & Answer
1. Would it be possible to have hair added to Mannequins?
We have requests for enhanced mannequin functionality for a future publish, we've added the ability to change hair with that request.
2. I want to be able to ride an ethereal for free since gargoyles can fly for free without sacrificing a pet slot.
We are sorry but this is not going to be changed. Each race has a benefit and we have no plans to change racial abilities at this time.
3. I want to train detect on a pet, is that possible?
This is not something a pet can gain in so we are not going to be adding this to the list available for pet training.
4. Britain presents some issues with guard zones for Grimms & trade ambushes because of how massive the guard zone is - can this be fixed?
This issue should be resolved for trade ambushes in Publish 103.
5. Since the lever in Khaldun is broken on many shards can you fix this?
It would be easier to do away with the levers to get into the secret areas and just open the door for everyone. We have already removed the door from several shards and will be doing it on the rest.
6. Is it possible to add door stops to keep doors open?
We have added this to the backlog we can do for a future publish.
Customer Service
1. If you have an account that was terminated by CS over a year ago and would like to have it back please contact support here and give them the details and identify the account as yours, depending on the termination we will remove the restriction from your account so you may open it again.
2. All Sovereigns purchased from Origin have to be entered on the Account Management page. You can not enter these in game. Please know that you can not unlink the account and link it to another account with Sovereigns on your accounts.
3. Anyone that is trying to reopen an account please make sure you send all the information to support@ultimaonline.com so we can have a record of this. In the original request to support if you do not know your secret word please ask for a hint. Give them all the information to identify the account as yours so there will not be a lot of delays.
4. If you are having issues with your Origin purchase follow this link to resolve the issue..
5. If you have any in game questions or issues submit an in game help request for a GameMaster to contact you.
6. For any feedback to content put in game please send it to UO@broadsword.com.
7. Regarding Origin orders, codes, and third party resellers.
Recently some of the player base may have noticed that an Origin store purchase they have made did not arrive or complete as expected. A confirmation or code email has not been received and you are wondering what may have occurred with your order. The Origin store enacts reviews on all transactions to safeguard against fraudulent purchases, and these reviews may take up to 72 hours. Unfortunately our Billing department is not able to expedite or circumvent this process, however players who have questions or concerns regarding a store purchase can contact Origin support for assistance using the below link:
When prompted for a product, choose Origin. Next choose your platform, and select ‘Orders’ as the topic. You can further specify your issue in the subsequent fields before speaking with an agent.
We would also like to reiterate that the Origin store is the only guaranteed provider of codes for Ultima Online. The validity of a code purchased from a third-party seller (be it a friend, in-game acquaintance, or recommended site) cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, any codes we find to have be fraudulently obtained will be disabled and an account that applies any of these codes will have that code removed from said account. This can result in the loss of gametime, character slots, expansion access, Sovereigns (and the items purchased with them), in-game items and more. Please be advised that we cannot assist with any issues stemming from codes purchased via non-Origin means; you will be required to contact the vendor from which you purchased the code for further assistance.
To reset your password you must first understand which type of account you are resetting the password for. EA Accounts, Mythic Master Accounts, and Mythic Product Accounts all have separate individual passwords. All of which you can reset at your leisure at our Account Center at https://accounts.eamythic.com/. Unfortunately, Broadsword Support cannot assist with potential EA Account issues or passwords, please follow the steps below.
To reset your EA Account password:
* Please visit https://signin.ea.com/p/web/resetPassword
* At the EA.com page enter the email used to log into your EA Account to change its password.
* If you have not received your password or have received an error while trying to reset the password and you have disabled all spam filters, please contact EA Support here, https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/new/#?product=origin&platform=pc
To update your credit card information, please follow these steps:
- Login to the Account Center (https://accounts.eamythic.com) with your EA Account email and its password
- Select the 'Subscriptions' tab
- Locate the account you would like to update the card for
- Select the 'Subscribe' button
- Select the billing cycle you would like to use and continue
- When you get to the page asking which payment method you would like to use, instead of choosing to add a card, select the 'Manage Accounts' option in the top right corner of the page. This should load a new page that will contain your previous credit card information.
- Find the card you wish to update and select the 'X' button
- You can now re-enter your credit card with the updated information by using the 'Add a card' button.
ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT AT THE ACCOUNT CENTER (https://accounts.eamythic.com/)
How to create an account or log into my account?
How to manage my accounts after I’ve logged into the Account Center with my EA Account credentials?
Additional support links and videos: