Happy New Year!
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“I always like to look
on the optimistic side of life,
but I am realistic enough to know
that life is a complex matter.”

---Walt Disney

Good morning! How are you, my dear, <<Name>>? Not sure how the weather is there, but we are forecasted to have lots of snow, ice, and temps around -7 by Sunday.  (Yes, MINUS).  I am super grateful that if it has to come, it's coming on the weekend so we don't have to go anywhere and can hunker down.

Actually, JB is teleworking most of next week, so we have a few days to get clear of the weather.

I will admit that it's a bit of a shock to the system after spending 18 days in Florida. We returned home last Friday - just in time to witness a foot of snow last weekend. But, I must say, that after being away from home so long, it was good to get back and begin to settle into some semblance of routine.

After spending New Year's with JB's family, we stopped in Orlando on our way home and spent a few days at Disney World.

Now, this, my dear, is where the planner in me SHINES. And, the child in me is frustrated that the planner needs to shine. With technology and changes to Walt Disney World over the years, you have to plan MORE and be spontaneous yet.

The other big reminder for me was that couples need to play together. Whether it's playing chess, a board game, going for a bike ride together, playing cards, or going to an amusement park, couples NEED to experience the verve their inner child brings. Couples need to laugh together. And witness each other finding a sense of joy.

We attended what Disney calls an "After Hours" event. It allows folks to purchase a separate ticket and stay in the park (in our case, Magic Kingdom) for 3 hours after official closing. Most of the rides are open. And it includes snacks (popcorn and ice cream). 

There was something (excuse the pun) magical about being in the Magic Kingdom with practically NO ONE else, going from ride to ride and eating Mickey Ice Cream Bars.

We stayed at the beautiful Grand Floridian Resort, which as a Victorian/Turn of the Century theme. Their Royal Palm Club provided us with breakfast, high tea, and heavy snacks every evening. And best of all? We could see the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom from our balcony.

If we go back to Disney World, we will definitely stay there again.

And now, eight days later, we are readying ourselves for the 2nd snow storm in a week.

The past week, though, has been about re-entry for me. And full-on-work-mode for JB. He's been at the office from 7 AM to 6 PM most days this week. And I had a full compliment of clients and attempted to get back into my writing groove.

I'd love to tell you I've learned some earth-shattering lessons. Or that I'm in full swing working towards my goals for 2019. But the truth of the matter is that re-entry has been challenging. Like many of you, I had this "ideal week" in my head, yet the details didn't quite come together as I'd hoped.

I'd forgotten about things like all the laundry, trying to get my brain to focus, and how dealing with the cold just takes a bit more energy.

And I had forgotten how much I need to sit in my favorite chair and read in the mornings. Or snuggle up with a blanket, book,  and glass of wine after dinner. Or the pure joy I get from being in my own kitchen doing simple things - like making scrambled eggs or pulling together a beautiful salad.

My goal the rest of this month is to focus on that: re-entry. To settle into this space I love so much and find my rhythm. And focus on what I really what to accomplish in 2019.

So tell me, darling: What about YOU? How has 2019 been treating you so far? Are you in some sort of "re-entry" mode or going full force towards your goals?

How can you find pockets of joy? Or set aside some time to play with your partner? What do you most need as we settle into the New Year?

 I'm just an email away. I love hearing your stories and helping you find the resources you need to create a life you love.

With so much love...........

PS -I have space for one or two new clients beginning in February. Is one of those spots yours? Just reply to this email!.

From the blog: Create White Space So You Can Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed (And Love Your Life Even More)

Just like everyone, there are times I feel a little overwhelmed with everything I need (and want) to do. There’s meals to be planned and cooked. Relationships to tend. Clients to coach and articles to write.In the midst of the busiest of days, one of my best assets is the creation of white space.

“What’s white space?” you ask. White space is the space between our loads and our limits. It’s the gap between rest and exhaustion. My dearest, it is the space between breathing freely or feeling as if you are suffocating. One of the challenges is that we don’t want to be seen as under-achievers (heaven forbid!) so we fill our schedules to overflowing.  Everyone, it seems, wants a piece of us, and no one seems to appreciate the fact that each of us is a finite resource. (Perhaps you don’t even realize that you are indeed a finite resource until you hit a brick wall.)

Unfortunately, most of us believe we can manage more in a day that is possible. And I get it. Because there are so many attractive options.We want to do it ALL. Yet, we also need more white space.

And when it comes down to brass tacks, our thresholds can shift.

Yet the truth of the matter is this: white space is one of the secrets to shifting your life from barely hanging on to thriving.

I sometimes wish I had a gauge that would tell me that I’m over capacity.  Like many of you, I may not realize I’m over extended myself until I feel the pain – you know – overwhelmed, dissatisfied, and exhausted.

The biggest challenge with our thresholds is that they can change. What worked for us five years ago may not work now. And if I’m to be completely honest with you, your thresholds and need for white space this month can be different from what you needed last month.

It’s wacky and frustrating, I know. Yet the one thing I know about life is that it is always shifting. So, while your needs for white space can shift. And your thresholds of what feels nourishing compared to what may feel overwhelming may seem as if it teeters like you’re balancing a ball on your head?

The key to creating the white space you need to love your life is awareness. Yet, is that truly enough? Awareness is great. but the thing is, you need to make it happen, not just think about it.

Which begs the question, if life is always changing. And your need for white space may shift from one period of time to the next. How on earth do you figure how where your threshold of feeling awesome to feeling exhausted lies?

I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but the answer to creating enough white space demands doing some sort of regular review.

I’m personally a fan of a weekly review (and planning session). Though my process has shifted, it’s something I’ve done for more than twenty years. And, you are probably cringing or rolling your eyes. Because, the last thing you probably want to do when we’re talking about the need for creating white space is set aside  an hour or so a week to review and plan.

Minimally, sit down once a week and make a list of what needs to be done in the coming week. Even if you use an electronic system for tracking tasks, taking pen to paper allows your brain to process what you’re demanding of yourself in the days ahead.

And then, in order to find your threshold point,  take a red pen to your list and first apply the two Q’s to everything on your list
  • Q1: How long will it take? Reasonable assessments on how long it takes to accomplish all the tasks on your list can help you determine the answer to the next question….
  • Q2: What is the return on investment? Is the amount of time and energy – as well as the results and enjoyment I get while working on the task – worth it?
Then, after you determine the answers to the two Q’s, it’s time to apply the 4 D’s:
  • D1: Delete:  ask yourself,  “what’s the worst thing that can happen if a particular task isn’t done?”
  • D2: Delay: Unlike procrastinating, delaying is actually about rescheduling something for a smarter time.
  • D3: Delegate: I know it’s tempting to do everything on your own, but it’s okay to ask for help.  If someone can do a task better, faster, or even well enough, shift the task.  You can also delegate the things you just don’t like to do, like mowing the lawn or cleaning the house.  (Trust me, darling, it’s worth it!)
  • D4: Diminish: ask yourself if you can streamline any of the tasks to reduce the amount of time?
It’s so easy to begin feeling overwhelmed. And, to be honest, my dear? White space in your life isn’t something that just happens.

Yyou have to fight for it.  You have to plan for it. And the benefit of creating that white space is that not only can you love your life as it is even more than ever. You have the space to pursue those bigger dreams and goals as well. And that, my dear, is a beautiful thing.

One of the downsides of so much travel combined with it being winter means that we need to bolster our immunity system. And one of the best things for that is chicken soup. Not just any chicken soup out of a can, but soup that starts with the kind of stock your great-grandmother would have made: REAL Bone Broth.

Though I keep a high quality, unsalted stock on hand (Kitchen Basics – Vegetable Stock and Chicken Stock are both in my pantry), this stock is SO much better - not just in flavor but in nutrition.

The secret? chicken feet.  (yes, you read that right). Because using the feet adds glucosamine chondroitin and collagen to your broth. And, as we age, some folks (ahem, me) have found that the addition of more of those in my diet helps ease my joints (especially my hips and hands).

Begin with a visit to your butcher. Tell your butcher that you need chicken parts for stock – about four pounds. You will need to tell your butcher that you want FEET, otherwise he will only get necks and backs (since the feet freak too many folks out).

To add additional flavor, pick up a package of chicken drumsticks or wings, too.

Begin in the oven if you have time. Spray a pan with Pam and load it up with as many chicken parts as you can put in the pan. Liberally drizzle olive oil over the chicken and then add a sprinkling of salt and your favorite seasonings (I use lots of sage and garlic). Add a chopped onion, a big clove of garlic sliced in half, a couple of carrots, and pieces of celery.

Roast in a 400 degree oven for 30 to 45 minutes.

(I totally get it if you don’t want to use the feet. It still freaks me out when I’m using them.)

Start with a BIG stock pot. I use a double pot – with an inner basket so that I have an easier time separating all of the solids from the liquid.

Add all the roasted chicken pieces, scraping the bottom of the pan with all the vegetables and browned bits. If the brown bits don't come up, deglaze the plan with a splash of hot water.

In your pot then add: one yellow onion, quartered, one head of garlic (cloves smashed), three stalks of celery (cut into manageable pieces), three carrots (cut into manageable pieces),  two leeks, sliced and rinsed (the white and light green parts) and a palm full of whole peppercorns.

Next add an assortment of fresh herbs (I use the ones marked “poultry seasonings, which includes rosemary, thyme and sage). You may desire to add a heavy pinch of kosher salt and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

Then add filtered water (the same water you’d make coffee with) to the top of your pot. Bring the liquid to boiling and then put heat to low, cover and let simmer for 4 1/2 hours.

After your 4 1/2 hours are up, remove all the solids and discard.  There will still be traces of herbs and whole peppercorns, so once the solids are removed, pour stock (careful it will be very HOT) through a fine mesh strainer.

Then, I begin immediately packaging it into freezable containers. I prefer BPA Free plastic containers that are designed to hold 3 cups of food. Use cup to transfer stock to containers until they are 2/3 full (leaving room for expansion in the freezer).

(Though I like to store most sauces in freezer bags so they pack flat, this will not work well for you during the thawing process for chicken stock!)

Leave stock on the counter in containers to cool enough to put in your refrigerator (about an hour). Leave in the fridge at least 4 hours or up to overnight.

If you use the feet,  your finished (cold) stock will have the consistency of soft jello.

Pull containers out of fridge and skim off any fat and discard (fat will rise to the top). Then, freeze.

Stock is good in the freezer for up to six months. To use, put in the fridge the night before to thaw and use entire container within 3 days.

I use this stock for a base of chicken or vegetable soup as well as in place of water in rice and quinoa.I also use it to enhance dishes being sauteed on the stove top.  If your recipe calls for adding your rice and liquid to the pot at the same time, you’ll get better results letting the stock come up to a warm temperature (liquid not jello-ish) before adding the rice.

Volume 9 -Issue 02

January 19, 2019

Love Notes Published Every-Other-Saturday
Thank you, darling for the precious in-box space! 

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About Debra

Debra Smouse is a writer, life coach, and Tarnished Southern Belle who is on a mission to help people create a daily life that is loving and nourishing.

A native Texan, she resides in Ohio with the Man of her Dreams. Connect with her on social media:
Instagram | Facebook Twitter.

Unbelievable Difference

Working with Deb for just a few months has made an unbelievable difference in my life.

With her encouragement, I made major progress on clearing the clutter in my physical life as well as in my emotional life, which paved the way toward creating a new vision for the life I want to live now.

Deb has an easy conversational style, rational down-to earth wisdom, and a warm sense of humor.

She got right to the heart of the things holding me back from living my best life, and has given me sound principles and practices I can carry forward into the future.

For the first time in a long time I feel excited about my life, and I have Deb to thank for that!

-Becca Rowan, Author

Love Yourself & Track Your Goals

I believe that if you were to really get to know all the sides of someone, you couldn’t help but fall in love with them.

What if YOU were that person?

Become Besotted. With Yourself. With Your Life.

Become Besotted will assist you in writing your story, a month at a time. An opportunity to get to know all sides of yourself and fall in love.

Become Besotted will also help you explore your dreams and desires. It will serve you in monitoring your victories and shedding what isn’t serving you.

You receive an in-depth questionnaire and 12 months to unfold your story and fall in love...

Purchase here.

You Won't Be Sorry

But the rest, the rest being with Deb’s counsel, has been an interesting, innovating, expanding chapter in my life as a woman, a spouse, a creative artist. My spouse and I have always had what I considered an excellent life together – I did not anticipate an even better and the more intimate relationship that we now find ourselves living into every day.

I’m no slouch in the confidence category but Deb has helped me face those teeny cracks of vulnerability that I sheltered, having helped me prosper mentally and physically at this stage of my life. My creative aspirations are blooming with no end in sight – LOTS more growth ahead for me.

I highly recommend a course with Deb or what she might call a non-course – that’s the arrangement we have now. Personal coaching on a regular basis – touching base on one’s own hiccups, one’s own dimension of daily life, whether it’s exercise, creative habits and/or reaching the next plateau or higher in all of the newness that still continues to unfold for me.

I highly recommend Deb’s methods and courses! You won’t be sorry you signed on with Deb as your super-person sidekick!

Dianna Woolley, Artist

Also in the Blog

Have your motivation for achieving those New Years Goals and resolutions already begun to fade? Here's how to keep your focus and keep moving forward.

Click here to read==>  9 Ways to Preserve Your New Year’s Focus

A Joy

Working with Debra is a joy.

She inspires me, she supports me, and she gives me direction so I can identify my needs and my wants. But she doesn’t stop there. Not only does she assist me in laying the foundation, but she gives me the tools to actually achieve the life I desire. This is an ongoing process, not a quick fix. And it takes practice.

If I veer off my intended path, Debra has given me the structure, along with the tools to get back on track. Since working with Debra, my life flows more smoothly, I know where I’m heading and I know how to get there.

I feel better about myself and my life. I look forward to each day as an adventure!

–Susan Mushkin

A Year of Support & Accountability

My most popular coaching package as it allows us to spend 12 months together. We build trust and get to know each other intimately.

This allows you go go as wide - or deep - as your stage of life demands.

You choose the number of sessions that fit your lifestyle (and budget) and we’ll create an amazing year together for a life you love.

Learn More or Email me for a complimentary chat to see if we are a good fit.

Muse & Cheerleader

I believe everyone could benefit from a good life coach. Yes, everyone. Even (and especially) other coaches! Debra is a coach who models what she encourages in her clients—deep soul searching, practical living skills, and solid business sense. Whether you’re new to exploring personal growth or someone who assists others along their own paths, Debra offers a style that meets you where you are.

Personally, I’ve done a ton of my own transformational work and continue to explore new pathways every day. While I wish I could say that I have ‘arrived,’ there really is no such destination for a lifelong learner like me or probably you. Debra is a friend and mentor who helps keep me on task, shed light on my blind spots, and untangle the stuck places that I can’t quite tackle on my own.

Throughout the time we’ve worked together, she’s nudged me forward with just the right amount of force and given me space to grieve my losses and celebrate my victories. She’s more than a coach. She’s a muse and cheerleader, and I am immensely grateful to have her on my team.

Kayce S. Hughlett – Life Coach & Author

Over at YourTango

If your internal critic is holding you back when it comes to dating, love and relationships, learning how to get rid of anxiety and calm the paralyzing self-doubts that are keeping you from finding happiness in your love life starts with healing your inner child.

Read How To Stop Anxiety From Crippling You In Relationships over at YourTango


Debra.  Your blogs and columns and coaching advice always seem supportive and like they’re coming from a place of love.

~Melissa Bartell, Word Ninja.  Bathtub Mermaid

Copyright © 2019 Debra Smouse - Create a Life You Love, All rights reserved.

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