
Abby Jenks found her Jerusalem during a
rainstorm in a Milwaukee park......

This summer I had the opportunity to witness to children in downtown Milwaukee. Every time I get the chance to share the Gospel with children, my eyes are reopened to just how beautiful the Gospel really is. 

My team and I were teaching three clubs that week but on Wednesday we were to teach a 1-day club. The ‘one day’ club was very sporadic and we were not sure if any children would come. However, when we showed up there were children scrambling all over the playground waiting for the food truck to appear. We set up and went over to invite the kids. Immediately the children were so excited to learn about Jesus, but even more excited to play with the parachute. 

They ate their lunch, we played games, and it looked like we were going to have a very successful club when suddenly it started raining. It poured, but the kids all wanted to stay. We hid underneath a tree, and my teammate, brought over my Bible and the Wordless Book. I prayed to God for wisdom and asked the kids if they wanted to hear a story. In that moment it was as if God had put all of us into a bubble. 

We had 9 kids sitting underneath the tree with rain pouring down, but they
were all glued to the story. They asked and answered questions during the Worldless Book and I could tell the Holy Spirit was working because each of the kids were very focused. When I asked if they wanted to believe in Jesus, two kids raised their hands. After we reviewed together what that meant, all the kids decided they wanted to believe too.  So, we bowed our heads and prayed together quietly. 

I wish I could hold on to that moment forever. I looked up and saw all of these children talking to the Lord. It was the most amazing feeling to see God at work and to know that I have been used by Him. After they prayed, their moms came over and they were excited too. I brought out the Worldless Book and they taught their parents all about what they had just learned. Ultimately, it was so amazing to see God answer prayers. I was a coordinator this year and I did not think I would be able to teach this summer, but God opened up the opportunity and allowed me to see Him at work.

Abby Jenks

Abby is one of many CEF volunteers who has a passion for kids to learn about Jesus.  God blessed her as she shared the Gospel with inner-city children on a rainy summer afternoon.  At CEF, we care about where children will spend eternity and as a past supporter of the ministry, your gift was instrumental in providing the ‘bubble’ experience Abby shared in her story.  Jerusalem awaits for both you and for CEF.  We can come together to make our shared passion, our evangelize boys and girls for Jesus Christ! 

Join this movement to provide HOPE for the lost souls of the children in our Jerusalem!  Embrace your chance to give TODAY or help multiply the blessings on #GIVINGTUESDAY- NOVEMBER 27, 2018. 

After a weekend of thankfulness, food and shopping don't forget that Tuesday 11/27 is dedicated to GIVING!

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