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There's an art to zenning out
The holidays are awesome. And they can wear you out. Even women who are used to doing it all can get burned out during the holidays. So here at Boatgirl, we recommend you take a break from the chaos and take some time for yourself. Here are some quick, easy ways to take some time for yourself during the holidays. You'll thank yourself for it – and your loved ones probably will, too!
  • Take a hot bath with 1/3 cup epsom salts and 1/3 cup baking soda. You can add a few drops of essential oils, like lavender, to make it even more relaxing. A bath like this pulls toxins from the body and is extremely relaxing.
  • Sit down and watch a movie that you love from start to finish. No taking phone calls, texting, or cooking!
  • Take a walk, either by yourself or with a friend. Even 20 minutes of brisk walking is beneficial in terms of overall health and decreasing stress and anxiety. If you really want to de-stress, listen to a walking meditation while walking. You can find good apps on the app store.
  • Delegate when you can. Do you really have to do everything? Get your kids and other loved ones to do the things that you know they can do well. They will probably enjoy contributing!
  • Focus on gratitude – take time each day to remember what the holidays are really about, appreciate the people that are in your life, and be as present as you can in each moment, rather than worrying about what has already happened, or what will happen in the future.
  • Remember to take care of yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup.
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