Merry Christmas 2018 from the Pfeils in Tokyo!
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Contents:   1) Update on Sarah's New Treatment Plan
                 2) Finding God's Grace in our Limitations
                 3) Pfeil Kids!

                   4) Prayer Requests

1) Update on Sarah's New Treatment Plan

Thank you so much to so many of you who prayed for Sarah's Oct 24 phone consultation with Dr. Teitelbaum - the new fibromyalgia specialist we have started working with. That first appointment was very positive, and we felt good about the personalized treatment plan that he put together. We then met with our partnering local doctor in Tokyo to confirm which medications and supplements we could source locally in Japan, and then began the complicated process of ordering and assembling from the US and Japan all the pieces to this new treatment plan.

It has been almost  2 months since that first consultation, and we are still in the preparation phase - tweaking and adjusting the base medications and supplements in preparation the full treatment regimen, while also integrating some local Japanese treatment options. Trying to give Sarah better restorative sleep while also trying to take the edge off her daily pain levels. Unfortunately this has been a harder and longer process than expected. Just after Christmas the plan is to launch into the the full treatment protocol - which will target 3 specific underlying issues that have been identified.  

When we finally do start the full treatment regimen, we have been warned that Sarah will initially start to feel worse (oh no!) before she finally starts to find some deeper relief.  Our doctor keeps reminding us that this is a marathon not a sprint ... but we feel so tired and worn out already!  Please keep praying for perseverance and diligence on our part.

Though Sarah is confined to bed on most days, God graciously gave her the strength to welcome 8 local Japanese ladies (from the Bible Study Sarah lead last year) to share in a casual Christmas party (they brought all the food!) Sarah was able to share her testimony of what God has been teaching her through this hard season.  

But [the Lord] said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
(2 C
or 12: 9-10)

Sarah shared that being a good housekeeper, a "put-together" mother, a diligent homeschool teacher, and respected missionary have become idols in her heart.  Through her pain and weakness these past months, God has been stripping away many of the things she took pride in.  She simply doesn't have the energy or ability to keep up with everything now. As tangible evidence of God working in her heart - she even shared this testimony while wearing her pajamas and housecoat! Pray for us, that God would to continue to strip us of our pride and self sufficiency, that we would fine our true hope and confidence in Him alone.

If you are interested:
A friend just set up a GoFundMe campaign to help with Sarah's new fibromyalgia treatment plan. This friend was just with us in Tokyo last week (Dec 10-16), and gives her own perspective on our situation. Follow the link to read more about it.

(*This is independent of our MTW ministry account. Donations are not tax-deductible.) 

2) Finding God's Grace in our Weakness

Even though our daily routine has changed a lot with Sarah's condition, we rejoice at the ways God is using us in our weakness and limitations. I was able to arrange to meet up with close friend Mr. N to see "Paul the Apostle of Christ" on limited release in Tokyo a few weeks ago.  It lead to a great heart level discussion. Continue to pray for our investigative Bible Study we plan to re-start together in the new year. 
We pretty much have had to stop hosting in our home recently - but we made an exception and invited Mr. N's wife and kids who live nearby to help us decorate our Christmas Tree and read the Christmas story together.  We have grown quite close to this family (see how Gideon and their son have their arms around each other.)  Pray that they may see Jesus as the true light of the world this Christmas.

Here are just a few Grace Harbor Church events from the past 2 months:

A "Faith & Work Seminar" in conjunction with a team from Redeemer PCA in New York

Our "Christmas Shoebox Packing Party" with families from Grace Harbor Church.

3) Pfeil Kids Update

Our kids keep growing up! The older three now all attend Christian Academy in Japan - commuting 1 hour each way by train. Olivia is in 10th, Annabella in 7th, and Calvin in 5th grade. We are so proud of how each of them have grown in maturity and independence through this experience. The younger two are still homeschooled and love being together. Gideon in 2nd grade and Sophie in Kindergarten.  Jon is taking the bulk of the homeschooling role now. This was a big adjustment at first, but has been a special opportunity to connect with the younger two every morning!  

Please do pray for the kids as they also bear some of the burden of Sarah's illness. Sophie and Gideon pray diligently for Sarah every night, but sometime Sophie will actually start crying - impatient for when our "real Momma" will be able to be with them play with them. The older kids don't always show it but I think they feel the same way, too.  We all really miss having Sarah involved in all the details of our family life. Pray for grace in this difficult season of life.

4) Prayer Requests

  • Please continue to pray for Sarah's ongoing recovery.  Sarah's pain level is still quite high, but we are optimistic about the new treatment plan we have started.  Our next benchmark will be ~March 1 when we reassess not only the medical side, but also the implications for future ministry and life. 
  • Please pray for upcoming Christmas Outreach events for Grace Harbor Church.  
    Sunday, Dec 23 is our Christmas worship service in Toyosu followed by GHC Christmas party. Monday, Dec 24 we have our 4th annual "Eve Candle Service" in Tsukishima which will be a special outreach event.  Thursday, Dec 27  during winter break for local kids, we will have a "Christmas Kids Game" event at a local gym. Pray that all of these will be relationship deepening and that many would understand more more deeply that Jesus is the only true Savior for the world.
  • Please pray for Jon's on-going role at Grace Harbor Church. To better take care of Sarah and the kids, Grace Harbor Church has been very gracious to give Jon a lot of flexibility in his role. (We are so thankful for our GHC team!)  Jon still leads worship about once a month, translates sermons in the service once a month, and attends weekly staff meetings (sometime by FaceTime!)  Some other roles he is able to fulfill while being based mostly at home.  There are still many needs at Grace Harbor, and it is hard not to be more involved. Pray for wisdom and balance for Jon and Sarah as they discern the best ways to serve the church and to reach out to their community, even as they face limitations due to Sarah's current health situation.   
Our Staff Christmas Party (Sarah in her Pajamas and housecoat again 😊)

With lots of "Christmas" Sushi 😋

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