NEW: Beltway/I-270 Widening Discussion in
Silver Spring Monday, Nov 26, 7 pm
We strongly encourage you to attend tomorrow night's community meeting on Gov. Hogan's toll lane project for I-495/I-270, which is being sponsored by the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board’s Transportation, Energy and Environment (TREE) committee.
Here are the details.
- Chris Conklin -- Deputy Director for Transportation Policy,
Montgomery County Dept of Transportation
- Carol Rubin -- Special Project Manager, Maryland National Park and Planning Commission
SSCAB advises the County Executive and County Council on issues affecting Silver Spring and Takoma Park based on the community input it collects at meetings like the one its holding tomorrow.
FYI: MDOT/State Highway Administration was unable to send a speaker. SSCAB says it plans to invite them to send one after the first of the year.