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* New and Upcoming Meetings*
Nov 25, 2018
NEW: Beltway/I-270 Widening Discussion in
Silver Spring Monday, Nov 26, 7 pm

We strongly encourage you to attend tomorrow night's community meeting on Gov. Hogan's toll lane project for I-495/I-270, which is being sponsored by the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board’s Transportation, Energy and Environment (TREE) committee.
Here are the details.

What: A Community Conversation on widening I-495 & I-270
When:  Monday, Nov 26, 7-8:30 pm.
Silver Spring Civic Center, 1 Veterans Pl, Silver Spring, MD
  • Chris Conklin -- Deputy Director for Transportation Policy,
    Montgomery County Dept of Transportation
  • Carol Rubin -- Special Project Manager, Maryland National Park and Planning Commission
(Click here for M-NCPPC's analysis of Gov. Hogan's 19 alternatives for I-270/I-495 and the M-NCPPC I-270/I-495 project resource page.)

SSCAB advises the County Executive and County Council on issues affecting Silver Spring and Takoma Park based on the community input it collects at meetings like the one its holding tomorrow.

FYI:  MDOT/State Highway Administration was unable to send a speaker. SSCAB says it plans to invite them to send one after the first of the year.

Dec 17 Rockville Hearing Set for Lexus Lane Bill
Reminder: the Montgomery County Delegation plans a hearing on several bills, including MC8-19 a bill that would prohibit Maryland from building "any toll road, toll highway or toll bridge" in Montgomery County without the county's authorization through local law.

When: Monday, Dec 17, 2018, Starting at 7 pm
Where: Third Floor Hearing Room, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD

CABE will testify in support. We strongly encourage you and your civic associations to make your voices heard by testifying (sign-up here) or coming by. (Protest signs up to 8-1/2" x 11" are allowed.)
Support CABE: Buy a Yard Sign

CABE has just received a shipment of new yard signs, which can be ordered for $10. Click here or order from

CABE depends on small donations.  Any amount  -- $5, $10, $25 -- will help fund outreach, flyers, yard signs and popular advocacy for better transportation choices without widening I-495 for Lexus Lanes.
Spread the word.

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Citizens Against Beltway Expansion

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Citizens Against Beltway Expansion · PO Box 3593 · Silver Spring, MD 20918-3593 · USA

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