Happy Thanksgiving
Summer Registration Opens December 3

Now Hiring: 2019 Summer Staff

Collecting applications NOW
Serving on a summer ministry staff like Camp Concordia's is full of intensity, some sweat and tears, a lifetime of incredible experience, unanticipated friendships, and exchanges with campers that support their faith journey. Summer ministry staff are...
  • ...needed encouragers for middle school students
  • ...listeners who hear with Jesus' hearts
  • ...facilitators of fast moving camp activities
  • ...sticky faith builders
  • ...crazy song and skit leaders
  • organizers and schedule geeks
Encourage a young adult to begin by filling out the online Profile form for Summer 2019 Employment through NLOMA (National Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association), the organization Camp Concordia works with for recruiting summer ministry staff. Note: You will see that you are able to request to be considered by 26 different LCMS camps across the United States.  

In 2019, summer ministry staff and campers will get to explore the RE:al things of faith, experience activities and relationships that lasts lifetime, and grow in confidence. 

Encourage someone (or yourself) today!

See more information at

Winter Campfires & Cocoa 

Here is a great idea for your family. When you are ready to take a break this winter, build a campfire in the snow using a Swedish Fire Torch in your backyard. Of course, you have to be safe - wear safety glasses and watch your clothing. But imagine building a snowman in the backyard and warming your hands around a nice long-lasting fire. Or be brave enough to go sledding and then sit around the fire with a cup of hot cocoa. 

The beauty, from what we can see, of the Swedish Fire Torch is that it is a controlled fire and long-lasting. You should never leave a fire unattended, but you can have it near your activity and know it is being constantly fed. 

Summer Ministry Staff

In 1980, a group of "recruiters" arrived at Concordia College in River Forest, Illinois, to inform college students of summer camp positions. The application and interview process provided students the opportunity to serve at Lutheran camps all across the United States. I was a college Junior, guitar playing, lifeguard and the thought of serving in camp ministry could not have sounded better. This Michigan boy requested to be a lifeguard at a camp in the mountains of southern California...and...a few weeks later the phone rang and a camp director from northern Wisconsin asked if I would serve at Camp Luther in Three Lakes, Wisconsin. I accepted. This was the beginning of a lifetime of adventure for me. 

Since I was first recruited as a summer camp counselor in 1980, God has allowed me to serve as a Lutheran school teacher in Wisconsin, a youth ministry guy in California, full-time camp director in Alabama, Colorado, California and Michigan, and a college professor in Oregon and Nebraska. Much of my foundation for every philosophy I have ever taught or lived out came from those years as a young summer ministry staff - where people like Taco, JR, Uke, Rufus, Beav, Zinger, Jimbo, Taffy and others influenced my walk with Jesus and ways I could share the faith He had given me.

Being a summer camp ministry staff is a noble vocation that is, more often than not, a once in a lifetime opportunity for a young person to be molded and shaped. I have had the opportunity to thank the camp director I worked for that summer. Camp counseling was tiring (falling asleep in the middle of prayers) and challenging (I think there were 25 out-of-control confirmation students in the "teepee village" that first week of camp). Camp counseling was life changing and irreversibly beneficial.  

Dr. Craig S. Oldenburg
Camp Director
Summer Overnight Camp Registration Opens on December 3
Support staff and campers
through your donations. Start here


The Camp Concordia board of directors at their meeting on Saturday, November 11, voted in the following people to serve as the executive officers of the board of directors:
  • DCE Steve Wilson (St. John, Rochester) President
  • DCE Luke Esselman (Grace, Coopersville) Vice President 
  • Kelly Oliver (Our Savior, Grand Rapids) Secretary
Copyright © 2018 Camp Concordia, All rights reserved.

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