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Dear Friends,
Rather than tell you how grateful I am for you, I thought I would show my gratitude by sharing my Thanksgiving Game. This is a game that breaks the ice among an eclectic crew around the table or strengthens bonds between an already tight group.

Sending you big love and full hearts!


1. Write or print each of the questions below on individual strips of paper. Feel free to add your own questions, just make sure they are open-ended
- not yes or no. 

2. Place one question under each person’s plate. 

3. Once the meal begins, let your guests know that a question awaits them under their plate. Go around the table and have each person read their question out loud and answer it in front of the group. 


What do you like best about yourself?

If you found a million dollars, how would you spend it?

If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would do differently?

If you could move to a foreign country, which one would it be and why?

If an alien arrived and asked you what love is, how would you describe it?

If you could invent 
a machine to solve a world problem, what would it be?

What does family mean to you?

If you could pick an already deceased famous person in history to be our current president, who would it be?

What are the three qualities you most value in a friend?

Tell us about the last book you read.

Who has had the biggest impact on your life and how?

If you could change one thing about our constitution, what would it be and why?

When was the last time you cried?

What are your three favorite foods?

When was the last time you laughed?

What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?

People describe bursting with pride. Describe a moment when you were bursting with pride. 

Tell us about a time you did a good deed for someone else. 

If you had a 25th hour in your day, how would you spend it?


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