Calcbench Cool Insights
Lease accounting: FedEx vs. UPS. How much can the new standard for lease accounting affect corporate financials? Consider this example from shipping rivals FedEx ($FDX) and UPS ($UPS). In crucial ways, the difference is glaring. Read more.
Our updated lease accounting guide. That new lease accounting standard goes into effect for fiscal years ending after Dec. 15, by the way. Therefore we’ve updated our guide to lease disclosures to reflect the latest changes. Read the guide.
And don’t forget the in-depth report we published on leasing liabilities back in August!
Find historical trend data: an example. Need a refresher on how to find precise financial data at a company you follow, and track that data across time? Here’s an example from Quest Diagnostics ($DGX) and unpaid debts patients owe the company. Read more.
Analysts, does this sound familiar? A true story from “AJ,” a financial analyst and Calcbench user, who recounted how our data platform helped him ace a job interview. Read AJ’s tale.