
December 3rd 18:30 - No speaker! Just pizza!

Hi PHPDorseteers!

We're hope you're all doing well as we head into the holidays! For December's meet up we will be having a Xmas social, starting out at Barclays Eagle Labs as usual for a chat and some pizza. Then we'll be heading off to the Libertine for a drink and some more socialising

We really look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible, just click the link below to claim your free ticket:

Grab a ticket

Dave, Chris, Alex && Hugh

PHPDorset is on MeetUp

Come join our MeetUp account and get all the latest news on PHP Dorset events. Signing is up free!

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Can we borrow five minutes of your time?

We're always looking for way to improve PHPDorset so that our attendees get the most out of their time with us. If you can spare five minutes your time it would be great if you could fill out our quick survey on what you do or don't like

Take the quick survey

Join PHPDorset on Slack

We've setup a Slack channel for our user group, register here, and talk to fellow PHPDorset attendees as well as some of our previous speakers. It's a great opportunity to get involved with our meet ups or plan a talk you might like to try.

Join us on slack
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We're looking for speakers

If you have something you are passionate about and would like to share with a group of like minded individuals then get in touch.
If there's something you would like to hear from our group then let us know and we'll try and find something.

Drop us a line

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