
The collaborative journalism database is now available in Spanish and Portuguese

Newsrooms in the countries colored red have participated in journalism collaborations.

For the past year, the Center for Cooperative Media has been collecting every instance of collaboration in journalism that we can find. The 175 collaborations identified so far encompass more than 1,500 newsrooms across nearly 100 countries.

It’s that breadth of partnership that makes the newest expansion of the database so exciting. Starting today, the entire database and submission form has been translated from English into both Spanish and Portuguese.

Collaboration is one of the most powerful shifts in journalism practice, empowering newsrooms to do quality work despite facing myriad challenges and declining resources. Our goal is to ensure that the lessons and advancements in collaboration are available to as many newsrooms as possible.

“We’ve been receiving a growing number of international requests and inquiries since we began building a community of practice around collaborative journalism in the U.S.,” said Stefanie Murray, director of the Center. “Through our research, we came to understand the breadth and depth of collaborations outside the U.S. and decided to catalogue such projects globally rather than focusing only on one country, which is why translating the database became important.”

Journalist Guilherme Amado put in the incredible work to make these translations possible.

“The main challenge of fostering collaboration among journalists is to promote its benefits for journalism,” Amado says. “Reporters still don’t know enough how powerful collaboration is. By translating the database we will be able to show successful examples and how they were developed.”

Our vision for the database is to include more of the collaborations happening around the world and expand the opportunities to learn from them.

The work doesn’t end here. We need your help to add more collaborations. Has your news participated in a collaboration or have you seen interesting collaborative work? We want to know about it. You can tell us by either emailing me at or by adding it to the database via our submission forms:

Check out the database

What we're reading

  • How Pittsburgh’s wesa mobilized its newsroom to cover the tree of life shooting (Lenfest Institute)
  • Global collaboration is a success story for journalism, whatever its impact (CJR)
  • Under the skin of ICIJ’s Implant Files (CJR)
  • CrossCheck Nigeria launches to fight information disorder (First Draft)
  • How the BBC built one of the world’s largest collaborative journalism efforts focused entirely on local news (Center for Cooperative Media)
  • Alaska media scramble to cover 7.0 quake (Poynter)
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