Midweek Prayer Message

Dear <<First Name>>,

This morning the people who attended the Tuesday Prayer Meeting met and prayed for the life of the Church, community and wider world. 

Please join in giving thanks for:
  • The commitment of the Church Stewards.
  • Those who work "behind the scenes" to maintain and administer our Church in the Resources and Property Coordinating Group.
  • The services on Sunday reminding us of the relevance of Advent.
  • The gift of God's presence within ourselves.
Please pray for the following people, places and situations over the next week:
  • People preparing for Christmas in the real way.
  • Advent assemblies in our schools.
  • That we shall be able to offer a warm and welcoming Foyer Stall at Saturday's Hexham Christmas Market.
  • The Church Council meeting this evening (4th Dec).
  • The Circuit meeting on Thursday evening.
  • For our political leaders, especially regarding our relationship with the E.U. - that they seek Godly rather than worldly wisdom.
Today's prayers from the Methodist Church Prayer Handbook are:

Bind our souls to your own, O Christ, so that we may never be separated from you. Only in you are we fully alive, only in your light can we truly see and only in your strength can we safely pursue our way. To you we come, O wisdom without end. In you we rest, O mercy without limit. Amen.

Mechtild of Magdeburg (c.1207-1282)

Transforming God, Lord of reversals,
As you called the paralysed man, call us.
As you challenged the woman at the well, challenge us.
As you healed Jairus’ daughter, heal us.
As you comforted Mary of Bethany, comfort us.
Help us to remember that you can turn all things over, under
and around.
Transform us outside and within,
to be reflectors of your light in your world. Amen.

Judith Holliman, minister, Conwy and Prestatyn Circuit

If you have a prayer request for yourself, someone you know or a situation in the community or wider world please email it to prayers@hexhamtrinity.org.uk and it will be prayed for by the Tuesday Prayer Meeting next week.

If you would like your prayer request to be included in next week's Midweek Prayer Message please say so in your email.
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