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The thing about Veterans Day is that for most people it comes, and then it kind of goes. After November 18th, the general public will forget about the 10,000+ households in the United States who currently have a deployed family member. Mainstream news will not report on the 20+ veterans who took their life today. And the 3 special operations troops who were killed just before this email went out, are a casualty of the war that rages on. Plus it is not like you, the reader, have the power to change anything… right? Since my last e-newsletter, supporters like you have enabled this veteran to overcome anxiety, and bring my God-inspired message to Phoenix, Israel, and beyond. You matter.  
This year alone I cycled with World Team Sports, Bike Denmark, No Vet Alone, and Project Hero, yet it is the final organization that saw me through my lowest of lows, and highest of highs. And if it were not for Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs), I would not in turn be giving back as a Chaplain, let alone serving my congregation as a Rabbi, or loving my family as a father and husband. Connecting with fellow veterans who know the struggle, and believe in the healing power of endurance cycling, keeps me going from one Veterans Day to the next. Do you know a veteran, service member, first responder or anyone who is struggling? If yes, please share my story with them. 
Every person who is struggling, matters, and when you give to VSOs, or Messiah Echad (mentioning Chaplain Jonathan Dade in the memo), you enable me to serve people as a chaplain, and bring them hope. 
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