Carpentry Clippings, 5 December 2018
Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar
Executive Council Elections Underway!
Ballots for the election for 2019 Executive Council and Vision Statement for The Carpentries have been delivered to the email address on record for Voting Members. Voting will be active through end of day 7 December, 2018, anywhere on earth. If you believe you should have received a ballot but did not, please update your profile and email so we can send you a ballot. Read more about the elections, candidates, and ballot questions.
Apply to become a Carpentries Instructor Trainer!
We are about to open a new round of Instructor Trainer Training, an 8-week reading group and on-boarding to become a certified Carpentries Instructor Trainer. Note that this is different from becoming a certified Instructor. Instructors lead workshops; Trainers lead Instructor Training events. Read more about what Trainers do and how to apply. Applications will be accepted through 12 December, 2018 at 20:00 UTC.
Community News
Instructor Training Curriculum updates
The Instructor Training Curriculum is a centerpiece among the Carpentries workshops. It is constantly in use as we bring new Instructors on board, and our engaged Instructor Trainer community brings a steady stream of new ideas for its improvement. We have just released a number of changes that both re-organize existing material and introduce new material. Read more in this blog post and provide feedback about these changes by commenting on the blog post or the github repo.
Carpentries en español
Our work on translating Carpentries lessons into Spanish continues with the recent release of Análisis y visualización de datos usando Python. Check out the lessons on GitHub to contribute and learn how you can get involved!
Library Carpentry Community Call
Ed Summers, Software Developer, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities and DocNow led a community call about his project, Documenting the Now. This project explores ethical issues that arise from archiving social media. Participants discussed the challenges and recommendations in doing this kind of work, and how this fits in with The Carpentries.
Committee and Task Force News
CarpentryCon Task Force
The CarpentryCon task force is hard at work planning Carpentry Connect events to help build local communities and is already thinking about CarpentryCon 2020! Read more about what they’ve been up to and find out how you can get involved.
What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
On the discuss email list, community members shared their experiences running “code-ins” – events where people gathered to work on individual projects and network in a shared atmosphere. Instructors shared experiences using tools to broadcast a shell session during a workshop. Check out this and our other various email lists to join in these conversations like this.
Tweet of the Week

Community Job postings
Top 10 FAIR Data Things a Great Success
Roughly 25 groups and individuals from around the world including The Netherlands, Germany, Australia, United States, Hungary, Norway, Italy, and Belgium registered for this event resulting in 12 draft resources that will help communities ranging from biodiversity to research software. The goal is to finalize each resource and contribute it to the Library Carpentry Top 10 FAIR repository over the next couple of weeks and officially publish and share the resources by the end of the calendar year. Read more about the Sprint.
Other places to connect
Have something you’d like to have included? Send it to