Please fill out the form below in order to receive e-updates from the team at LoveCompels.
As well as hearing about our efforts to mobilize Arabic believers to reach the Arab world, you will be sent testimonies, occasional articles, prayer requests and some resources to help you reach out with love.
For security reasons we choose not to use our team's personal names (both US and North African).  However, we are REAL people (you might know us personally) and it DEEPLY encourages us when we see that you are interested in what God is doing through us, and are willing to help us with your prayers and financial support.  
You are welcome to reach out to us And add this email address to your contact list so that our updates won't end up in your spam folder.
We also invite you to join our team as a monthly financial partner. Every gift, no matter what size, is greatly appreciated. We pray for all our financial partners regularly and consider each one as an active participant in what God is doing through LoveCompels.

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