Word on the Street: Giving Thanks, Community Street Party for Safe Streets and CalTrans Feedback
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Giving Thanks

We are grateful for another year of partnering with communities in fixing, planning, and dreaming of a vibrant Oakland with neighborhoods strengthened through walking and bicycling.

2017 leaves us feeling:
  • Energized to help the City make good on Measure KK promises, 
  • Stoked with the turnout at our WOBO Weekend walks and rides, 
  • Honored to partner with organizations throughout the city and the state, 
  • Inspired by the communities that teach us each day about resilience and resistence, and 
  • Ready to link arms with the new City of Oakland Department of Transportation to bring great walking and bicycling to a street near you.  
We hope our work also inspires you too.  Consider making a donation to our (Your) cause.  An annual membership starts at just $35 per person. 

OUP Spotlight: Lake Merritt Walk 

Oakland Urban Paths (OUP) is a group of dedicated walkers, planners, historians and fundraisers with a common mission: to raise awareness of the paths and Oakland’s heritage through a variety of activities in partnership with WOBO and the City of Oakland. We encourage people to explore Oakland on foot!

This month's WOBO Weekend walk around Lake Merritt was led by long-time dedicated volunteer Gene Anderson. Walkers covered a lot of ground - and history!  They started out by learning that the lake is actually a tidal slough and saw first-hand how investments from 2002 Bond Measure DD continue to improve the Lake's water quality - and smell! 

Gene's book, Legendary Locals of Oakland, makes a great holiday gift and can be purchased at your neighborhood bookstore. If you prefer online shopping, you can purchase on Amazon Smile and .5% of your purchase will be donated to making Oakland a better place to work, live, and play.

See more Lake Merritt walk photos like the one above by OUP regular Alan Forkosh.

10/9 Yield 4 Life Holiday Block Party

SPARC (San Pablo Area Revitalization Collaborative (SPARC) in West Oakland and the neighbors of the historic California Hotel will be hosting a winter holiday party for the community on Saturday, December 9 from noon to 5pm. WOBO, with East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation and Open Architecture Collaborative, is proud to co-sponsor the programming component of the holiday party. We are creating a temporary car-free space in the adjacent streets to daylight the urgently needed improvements to make walking and bicycling safe on San Pablo Avenue and 34th /Linden Streets. Come hear stories from the people who live in the area, and their hopes for a vibrant, safe, and accessible neighborhood.

Come play in the streets! We'll have games, activities, prizes and lots of information on how you can get involved in planning processes to transform San Pablo Avenue into a great neighborhood street for all. More info posted here.

11/30 Caltrans Bike Plan Webinar

Did you know there are many CalTrans routes in Oakland beyond just freeways? Like San Pablo Avenue, International Blvd / E 14th, and any freeway on ramps, off ramp and underpasses too? Share your thoughts with CalTrans on their upcoming bike plan.
We'll See Ya There!

11/24 Skip the shops and #optoutside with our friends at REI

11/30: Caltrans Bike Plan Webinar 

12/9: Yield for Life! Advocacy Street Party

Let's Get Together!  

We are gathering a team of volunteers to help run our upcoming events.  Sound fun?

Sign up to help! 
Become a WOBO Member today with just the click of a button! Starting at $35 per year, you get a team of policy, community and advocacy champions who will stump for safe and accessible walking and bicycling in Oakland for all.
Join Now
Twitter Highlight:

Go see the annual gathering of Lady Beetles at Stream Trail and Prince. #thisisoakland #yesinmybackyard
Quote Of The Month:

“From Oscar Grant to Favianna Rodriguez to Marshawn Lynch to Jerry Brown, people in Oakland continue to shape not just 'the Town,' but the entire country.” 

- Gene Anderson
Don't be shy...
1330 Broadway 3rd Fl
Oakland, CA 94612
Copyright © 2017 Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, All rights reserved.

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