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November, 2017

Wood Street, Millswood.  All the traffic calming along this street has this treatment.

In this month’s issue

More bad news on bollards 
Is cycling “plummeting”?
Jetty Road Masterplan
More secure bike parking for public transport users
Dockless bikes: Adelaide’s experience

Finally, there’s an invitation to join us at the Wheatsheaf Hotel, and there are links to some recent discussions on the Adelaidecyclists forum and our Facebook page.


We’ve been told by the State Coroner’s office that the Coroner “has made a finding” and will not be holding an inquest into the death of a cyclist who hit a bollard in Goolwa.  We have not been told what the finding is, but are endeavouring to find out.  We were hoping that his death would not be in vain. 

Meanwhile, an American is suing a local authority after hitting an unmarked bollard that left him paralysed. 

And ACC thinks bollards on the Panda Bridge, near the Zoo, are necessary to stop cars damaging the bridge or running into cyclists – even after a bollard claimed a BISA committee member, who was looking for pedestrians on the shared path, and despite the fact that they’re located in contravention of Austroads guidelines (and the Road Traffic Act) by being in the manoeuvring area for cyclists.

We will keep campaigning about bollards that don’t meet required standards.  If you hit a bollard, please tell us.  Just email us at
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Is cycling "plummeting"?

The Advertiser has been anguished and Councillors Antic and Moran have been gloating over “plummeting” cycling levels.  Yet we seem to see as many cyclists on the city streets as ever.  BISA committee member Ian Radbone has written a post on our website examining the evidence of the National Cycling Participation Survey, as well as other sources of data: the census, permanent counters, Super Tuesday counts and Cordon Counts.

His conclusions are that cycling levels are not plummeting, though the sad long-term decline in children’s cycling is continuing.  There has probably been a slight decline in the amount of recreational cycling by adults over the past five years.  The statistical evidence suggests that number of cyclists riding in and around the city has been stable over the same period. 

Here are a couple of charts from the post.  Notice a pattern?
Cycling participation by state
Cycling investment per capita, by state.
We are quite hopeful that the previous upward trajectory in transport cycling will resume once the Mike Turtur Bikeway and the Linear Park path are again functioning normally, and the Outer Harbor Greenway is completed. 

On the other hand, it seems that governments need to build lots of new cycling infrastructure just to counteract the negative effect on cycling of all the money they spend (and force developers to spend) on cars.  One of the interesting facts mentioned in the post is that the State government is spending twice as much on just one traffic intersection as it is spending on the Frome and Flinders/Franklin bikeways put together! 
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Jetty Road Masterplan

A draft master plan for Jetty Road has been released for comment.  An important recommendation is an official 30km/h speed limit, which would be the first such limit on a significant street in South Australia.  (One or two councils have slipped in such a limit on the occasional local street, possibly under DPTI’s radar.)  The plan also has what we think is a sensible solution for dealing with the notorious stop 16 on the tramway, which is the worst black spot for South Australia’s cyclists.  You can read BISA’s comments on the plan on our website.
                          The plan for Stop 16.
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More secure bike parking for public transport users

All the hard work of the City Park and Ride group seems to be paying off.  The Lord Mayor has forwarded us a letter from Transport Minister Mullighan.  Here is an extract:

I am pleased to advise that the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) will be doubling the coverage of secure bicycle parking by installing new bicycle cages at an additional 12 locations in the 2017/18 financial year.
Priority locations for installing bicycle cages include:
  • Mawson Lakes Interchange
  • Salisbury Interchange Smithfield Interchange
  • Entertainment Centre tram stop
  • Woodville railway station; and
  • Mount Barker Dutton Street park ‘n’ ride.
The scope of the project also includes:
  • doubling the size of the Klemzig Interchange bicycle cage
  • security upgrades to existing bicycle cages
  • installing additional bicycle parking rails at stations
  • removal of bicycle lockers where new bicycle parking is being installed; and
  • information and wayfinding signage.
All bicycle cages will operate on the Metrocard system.

Congratulations to Peter Lumb and the team of volunteers on progress so far. 
Let’s hope that DPTI locates the bike parking where it is convenient to use and easily seen!
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Dockless bike share: Adelaide's experience

Given all the bad news stories that came out of Melbourne’s experience with dockless bikeshare, we’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well the bikes have been handled in Adelaide. 

Despite the headline, an Advertiser article entitled “Lazy bike-share users racking up safety complaints” (14 November) did little to dispel our positive impression, with a total of only 18 complaints about the bikes being received by the Adelaide City Council, including bikes being left on public bike racks. The article also quotes the Obike Australian head Lim Chee Ping opining that Adelaide people have been “really gracious and civic-minded”. 

We can only agree.  If you do see a bike badly placed, help maintain our civic culture by locating it somewhere sensible.
…and we like the way that Ofo are relocating bikes!
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Adelaidecyclists - join us at the Wheatie

We’ve once again organised an opportunity for subscribers to Adelaide Cyclists to get together for Christmas drinks.  Come along, even if you are not a subscriber to the forum but would like to catch up with us.  There’s also some great food from the food truck outside.

Date: Thursday 23-Nov-2017 (THIS THURSDAY) from 6:30pm to 9pm
Location: The Wheatsheaf Hotel, 39 George St, Thebarton

More info and RSVP at
There have been lots of interesting discussions this past month on the Adelaidecyclists forum.  Here are some:

From our Facebook page 

Here are a few of our posts from the last month.  Click on the photos to link to item.
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Pedal Update is a newsletter of the Bicycle Institute of South Australia Inc., published monthly.  The Bicycle Institute is incorporated in South Australia.  Material published in Pedal Update is copyright unless otherwise stated.  Articles and graphics may be copied and republished by non-profit organisations, provided the author and Pedal Update are given credit.  When by lines are used, opinions published in Pedal Update are not necessarily those of the Bicycle Institute.
We are always looking for contributions. 
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