Lutz Preparatory Weekly NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V6 Issue 21, December 1, 2017
Dear Lutz Preparatory Families,

We hope you can join us for our Town Hall meeting Thursday December 7, 2017 from 5:00-6:00 PM.  Each new school year brings opportunities for academic progression and growth in all areas of development.  At Lutz Preparatory we are committed to a continuous improvement and educational growth each year.  Although children must be knowledgeable when they graduate, they must also be healthy, engaged, responsible, and caring people. The Leader in Me program provides our school with a framework that complements our school vision and gives us the language to lead the school in a way that addresses all areas of development.  As each child discovers and develops his or her unique gifts and talents, they are given opportunities to lead.  As leaders, they become active, engaged partners in their own education and their self-confidence, responsibility, and initiative grows.

Please join us for an overview of the Leader in Me program by joining us at our Town Hall on December 7, 2017, that begins promptly at 5:00 PM in our gymnasium.  Students and staff will share details on the program and how it is being implemented at our school.  

Students must remain with parents in gymnasium during the 5:00-6:00 meeting and will not be permitted unsupervised in other areas of the building or campus.

Reminder, our next early release day is Wednesday, December 6, dismissal begins at noon.

Thank you as always for your support and partnership in your child's education.  Go Bolts!


Bonnie Guertin
Director of Schools
Upcoming Weeks at a Glance:
  • Sunday, December 3:
    • Deadline to Sign Up for Intramural Soccer 3rd-5th Grades
  • Monday, December 4:
    • 6th Grade STEAM Class Field Trip
  • Tuesday, December 5:
    • 4th Grade Field Trip
  • Wednesday, December 6:
    • Early Release, Dismissal Begins at Noon
    • Before/After Care Monthly Bill Due
  • Thursday, December 7:
    • K-8 Town Hall 5:00-6:00 PM
    • PTA Sponsored SMATH Night 6:00-8:00 PM
  • Friday, December 8:
    • Winter Concert Grades K, 5th, 7th, 8th 
  • Saturday, December 9:  
    • 8th Grade Pancake Event

Volunteer Corner
Please click on the respective Sign Up Genius links in each section to assist.  Twenty five (25) hours per family are required each school year.

Library Volunteer Needed
Every Monday from 8:30-10:00 AM.  Please contact our library coordinator Mrs. O'Sullivan if interested.

Winter Concert Volunteers Needed - SEVERAL SPOTS STILL NEEDED
Please click HERE to sign up.  Volunteers needed especially for set up on 12/7 and clean up on 12/8 (ability to lift heavy objects is needed).  Please email Ms. Schoenfeld with specific questions.

Applebee's Flapjack Breakfast - 8th Grade Student Volunteers
8th grade only:  14 students and 2 parents needed
Please click HERE for Sign Up Genius.

Academic Calendar
Monthly Calendar
12/12 - High School Choice Options Application Window Closes

12/12 - 2nd Grade Gifted Field Trip

12/13 - PTA Sponsored All Pro Dads Meeting

12/14 - Final Day for NJHS Shoe Drive Donations

12/22 - End of 2nd Quarter Grading Period (End of 1st Semester)

12/22 - 3rd Grade Field Trip

12/25-1/5 - Winter Break, School Closed

1/9 - Before/After Care Monthly Bill Due

1/18 - Barnes and Nobel Literacy Night


Please see our website for full details.

Brightest Bolts for November
Congratulations to our Brightest Bolts for November who were recognized this week at a morning ceremony for their self-directional skills and showing BOLTS characteristics.

  • Kindergarten:  Cole B., Logan H., Kelsey L., & Kellan P.
  • 1st Grade:  Addison G., Mackenzie H., Abigail B., Gabriel A., Tyson D., & Enzo V.
  • 2nd Grade:  Celia G., Alexa V., Elliot M., Benjamin H., & Evan S.
  • 3rd Grade:  Alejandra R., Disha A., Addison S., Alex Claire E., & Megan M.
  • 4th Grade:  Kate M., Rowan H., Landyn E., & Taylor J.
  • 5th Grade:  Joaquin A., Lauryn C., Aaron B., Brooke C., & Tavi P.

Intramural Soccer:  3rd -5th Grades

  • Season runs from 12/4 - 12/21, total of 9 practices
  • Practices begin Monday, December 4
    • After dismissal until 4:30
    • Practice dates:   Mon 12/4, Thurs 12/7, Fri 12/8, Mon 12/11, Wed 12/13, Fri 12/15, Mon 12/18, Wed 12/20, Thurs 12/21
  • Participation fee is $80 with preferred payments made online at the LP Athletic Store (due 12/3/2017)
  • Sports physical required to participate
Required Forms to Participate
Click on the links below to complete the REQUIRED forms prior to practice.  Each student must have:
  1. Signup Form
  2. Liability and Consent Form (if you have filled out this form for an earlier sport this school year you do not need to fill out again)
  3. Hillsborough County Schools Sports Physical (if you have turned in this form for an earlier sport this school year you do not need to turn in again)

These three (3) forms are required for each student to be on file BEFORE practice.

Lost and Found - Has GROWN AGAIN!
Our lost and found is OVERFLOWING - lots of water bottles, lunch boxes, glasses, sweaters, and jackets. 

Please stop by to look for lost items!  All items will be donated on December 21st, before Winter Break Please make sure your student's first and last names are on all items - if there is a name we return the items to HR teacher.

Spirit Shirt Sale This Week
Spirit shirts continues next week.  Everything must go!
  • Discontinued styles - $3.00 each
  • New styles - $15.00 each (Elementary spirit shirts sizes small and medium are back in stock).

Lutz Preparatory Town Hall
Please mark your calendars, our LP Administration will be hosting a K-8 Town Hall from on Thursday, December 7 from 5:00-6:00 PM before SMATH night begins. Please report to the gymnasium promptly by 5:00 PM, all K-8 parents and students are invited to attend. Students must remain with parents in gymnasium during the 5:00-6:00 meeting and will not be permitted in other areas of the building. 

PTA Sponsored SMATH Night

Winter Concert
Friday, December 8, 2017

We are so excited to present Grades K, 5th, 7th and 8th in this year's Winter Concert.  Parents are strongly encouraged to attend.

  • 9:00 AM ~ Kindergarten performance “A Time for Love.”
  • 10:30 AM ~ 5th grade performance “Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker.”
  • 11:30 AM ~ 8th grade performance
  • 2:00 PM ~ 7th grade play “A Christmas Scarol.”
Kinder, 5th, 7th, and 8th grade students have free-dress Friday, December 8th for the concert. Students should dress up in school appropriate dress shirts and pants, ties, dresses, etc. according to Hillsborough County guidelines. If students wish to change out of their clothes after the concert, they should dress into Friday spirit-wear.

During the play, 7th graders in the play have a character outfit and the remaining 7th graders are putting on a fabulous backstage production and should wear black.
Volunteers needed especially for set up on 12/7 and clean up on 12/8 (ability to lift heavy objects is needed).  Please email Ms. Schoenfeld with specific questions.  Parents who remain the entire time to clean will earn a free-dress pass for their child.  Click HERE for sign up genius.  

Click HERE to visit the school store.

Save the Dates for Upcoming PTA Events
The next PTA General Assembly meeting will be held on Thursday, December 14 at 8:15 AM

Save the Date
Barnes and Noble Family Literacy Night:  Thursday, January 18, 2018

Yearbook Sales

2017-2018 Yearbook sales have started and will be accepted through Thursday, March 1, 2018.

Purchase online by visiting: 

Order form envelopes were sent home with students earlier this week.  Stop by the front office if you need additional envelopes to purchase by cash, check, or money order payable to: Lutz Prep PTA.

High School Options Reminder
The Hillsborough County Public Schools Choice & Magnet High School Application Window opened November 1st at 12:00 p.m. and continues through December 12th

If you have questions or need assistance with completing your application please contact the Choice Information Line at 813-272-4692. 

Please click HERE to review mail that was sent to all 8th grade families on November 3, 2017 with full details.
Will you send out this info to our 8th grade parents
Information Sessions:
The following schools will be hosting information sessions for incoming freshman.  Please contact each schools guidance department for full details:


21st Century Skills
 Global Awareness
Students will be able to demonstrate empathy and understanding of different  cultures and countries.

Examples of Global Awareness: 

  • respond to communities
  • extend beyond your neighborhood
  • respect, tolerance, and concern for others
  • collaboration and problem solving
  • attending to a task without external reminders

The Leader in Me 7 Habits
  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin with the End in Mind
  3. Put First Things First
  4. Think Win-Win
  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the Saw
Reporting Absences:
If your student will be absent for any reason, the preferred method of notification is to send an email to (you may also cc your student's teacher).  If needed, you may contact the attendance line at 428-7101 instead of sending an email - you do not need to do both methods.
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