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The Rowlingstone
Weekly Report

We would like to welcome all our new subscribers to the Rowlingstone family! and introduce you to our bounty campaign which can help you earn a free subscription, or even BTC, ETH or Fiat for helping us to grow by using our “Bounty Program”. 

You have received a report with severely limited in-depth research.

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If you subscribed before the 5th of november, you are eligible for a personal life-time discount of 35% off the regular price. Contact us.

For our new subscribers we have also have a discount special. The holiday season is starting soon and we decided to give every new subscriber 20% discount until the end of the year.

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There are two ways you can earn BTC/ETH or even USD through Rowlingstone. First is promoting our newsletter for which you can earn up to 30% of the recurring revenue from your subscriber referrals. Second is referring new promoters. You can earn up to 20% of the recurring revenue of the paid subscribers they generate!

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To all existing readers, we hope you enjoy our content and look forward to the direction we are headed.

There is something we wanted to share with you that we will be working on in the near future and would value your feedback in the telegram!

Newsletter Interviews - Rather than just reporting on our favourite projects; we thought it may add value to invite guest speakers who can answer our community questions directly. As our reputation grows we are confident this is something we can explore.

Podcasts - In the new year we hope to start a new podcast on our YouTube where we will interview people from your favourite crypto and blockchain companies, and may even explore office visits and personal interviews as time progresses and our resources expand.

Please let us know your thoughts on the above in the Telegram!


Last week was a wild one with huge market recoveries that we haven’t seen since the Summer. Multiple coins made a run over this week and we’ll be talking about the success behind some of those this week.

Last week we paid close attention to the NEO news which we believed to be - we were right about that - and though no government collaboration is confirmed, we can see that OnChain, through the use of Ontology are trying to build a system that can be integrated state wide.

How can we deduce that? China proposed to set up a “Social Credit System” in 2015. This is a “reputation system” that gives each of its citizens a “score” - big brother meets big data. The concept is quite scary and eerily reminiscent of 1984 but it’s proposed and very much something China wish to achieve.

So how does a distributed trust network on the blockchain help? “Ontology Network is ablockchain/distributed ledger network which combines distributed identity verification, data exchange, data collaboration”

You may remember this image from our last article, but I’ve cropped it to help add context:

Please note the very top of that diagram says people, wealth & things. This is at the very top.

We spoke with a senior in digital disruption at Deloitte and when we spoke about Blockchain & China this is one of the first things he mentioned: the social credit system and how blockchain will allow China to implement it.

Ontology just designed the tools, whether the authorities use them or not, we know they have wanted to since 2015.

Our speculations about Loopring were correct but went beyond that the following day where Loopring announced the following list of ERC20 tokens that the Loopring Beta will be compatible with. They have also said that this will “happen soon”. Realistically this will happen somewhere next month, when Loopring is added to more exchanges.

We’re super excited to see the Loopring BETA and believe this protocol will change the way that we trade, and people will begin to understand the differences between protocols like 0x & LRC and how the ecosystem has place for all of them.

Now is a great time to stock up on LRC as the BETA comes close and it finds a new floor around 2100 mark, as going into the new year we are confident we will never see these prices again.

Ethereum also shows more signs of potential growth. Breaking over $400 this week. With so many Bitcoin forks and slow transaction and transfer times, Ethereum seems more attractive for the buying and selling of altcoins. An efficient way of transferring between exchanges is also to buy Ethereum with your BTC and send that instead.

We expect the rise of ETH to continue, as the Ethereum ecosystem actually processes the most transactions. As seen in the graph here, over 50% - and it currently only has 14% of the market cap. We’re estimating a conservative $800 per ETH for next year, and it’s a good way to hedge your investment with high risk BTC forks and politics.


TOP PICK - TRST coin - (Not to be confused with TRUST!)

One of the problems with entering the cryptocurrency space at the moment is struggling to understand what exactly the product on offer is and what problem it solves. Therefore, make your product easy to understand and you encourage traditional investors to enter the space. WeTrust are building a decentralized “Trust Network” on the Ethereum blockchain for financial products.

“WeTrust is a collaborative savings, lending and insurance platform that is autonomous, agnostic, frictionless, and decentralized.”

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Technology: 8
Team: 8
Research & Development: 8
Scalability: 9
Whitepaper: 9
Website: 8
Community: 7

Overall: 8.5 - Community here is good but will massively improve when first product goes live.

Other Hot Picks

Quantstamp: QSP Coin

What is it and why did it moon?

We would’ve had QSP as our pick of the week but given it’s insane volume, price increase and likely imminent correction, we thought we’d give it a feature but not our pick of the week.

Quantstamp had one of the most successful post ICO launches in history and was up over 230% since listing on Binance with clear signs of more growth in the short and mid-term.

This article has been cut severely in size.

Subscribe now for the weekly full report! - SKY

Skycoin is an open source, Third Generation cryptocurrency that aims to implement Satoshi Nakamoto’s original vision for Bitcoin. As we have come to recognise, there has been a lot of controversy over how bitcoin has changed over the years, and whether or not the community is following Satoshi’s original idea of true network decentralization. 

This article has been cut severely in size.

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Technology: 8
Team: 6
Research & Development: 8
Scalability: 8
Security: 9
Whitepaper: 8
Wallet: 7
Website: 7
Community: 5

Overall:  7.3


ICO Watch

INS Ecosystem ICO - INS

What is the project about
INS is implementing a decentralized ecosystem enabling consumers to save up to ​30% ​on ​everyday ​shopping ​buying ​directly ​from ​grocery ​manufacturers. Bypassing retailers and wholesalers means a more personalized and transparent grocery shopping experience at lower prices.

This article has been cut severely in size.

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Hype: 8
Team: 8
Research & Development: 8
Scalability: 8
Whitepaper: 8
Website: 7
Token Metrics: 8
Community: 8

Overall:  8

Whitelist Watch:

We would suggest whitelisting for as it has a monster product on the way, and it’s community of of 8000 in telegram is reminiscent of Quantstamp at this stage in it’s lifecycle.

This article has been cut severely in size.

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Good luck Gonetwork! We’ll be right behind you.

That’s all for this week - as always, thanks for reading and giving us the opportunity to grow. Your subscriptions help to keep us working hard as the space develops, doing the digging so you don’t have too!

Although we always recommend you do your own research of course.

Please join us on Telegram, and help our community grow!

If you have suggestions on high potential investments; leave them there! Remember we get a lot though, so we can maybe do some in house research in Telegram for your coin.

The above is not financial advice, we do not take any responsibility for your financial decisions or investments. Always do your own research.
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